금융용어, 금융단어 – Financial Terms 리스트
금융용어, 금융단어들은 은행, 보험등 금융관련 계약서나 약관을 보면 많은 알수없는 내용의 또는 처으 보느 금융용어와 금융단어들이 나온다. 설명하는 사람들도 정확하게 이해하지 못하는 경우도 많다.
자주 사용하는 금융용어들을 풀이한 내용을 정리해 보았다.
참고사이트 : Financial terms glossary

0-9, A-Z
금융용어, 금융단어 | Financial Terms |
3-6-3 Banking | Borrow at 3%, Lend at 6%, Be on the Golf Course by 3 p.m. |
3년연속이익(결손)발생 | a Profit (Loss) for 3Years in a Row |
ABS | Asset-backed Securities |
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
ADB차관금 | ADB Loans |
ADB협조차관금 | ADB Co-financing Loans |
ADR | American Depository Receipt |
AFDB | African Development Bank |
ALM팀 | Assets & Liabilities Management Team |
ASEAN | Association of South-East Asian Nations |
ATMs | Automatic Teller Machines |
B/A | Banker’s Acceptance |
B2차입금 | B2 Borrowings |
BIBOR | Bahrain Interbank Offered Rate |
BIS | Bank for International Settlement |
BIS 자기자본비율 | BIS Capital Adequacy Ratio |
BIS자본비율 | BIS Capital Ratio |
BOK SWAP용차입금 | Borrowings for BOK SWAP |
CAPM | Capital Asset Pricing Model |
CAR Ratio | Capital Adequacy Ratio (자본적합비율) |
CBOT | Chicago Board of Trade |
CCC(미국) | Commodity Credit Corporation |
CD | Negotiable Certificates of Deposit |
CD매입 | CD Purchased |
CEDEL | Center for the Delivery of Securities |
CFA | Chartered Financial Analyst |
CHIPS | Clearing House Interbannk Payment System (뉴욕의유로달러나외환결제제도) |
CME | Chicago Mercantile Exchange |
COD | Cash On Delivery |
DCF | Discounted Cash Flow Method |
DDM | Dividend Discount Model |
EBDIT | Earnings Before Depreciation, Interest and Taxes |
EC | European Community |
ECB | European Central Bank |
ECU | European Currency Unit |
EMS | European Monetary System |
EVA | Economic Value Added |
FOMC | the Federal Open Market Committee |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GIGO | Garbage In, Garbage Out! |
GNP | Gross National Product |
GPAs | Grade-Point Averages |
GSP | Generalized System of Preference (일반특혜관세제도) |
GTC | Good Till Cancelled |
IAS | International Accounting Standards |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
IBRD차관금 | IBRD Loans |
IFC | International Finance Corporation (국제금융공사) |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMF구제금융 | IMF Bailout Funds (Program) |
IPO | Initial Public Offering (최초공모) |
ISDA | International Swap Dealer’s Association |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
JEXIM차관금 | JEXIM Loans |
KDFC | Korea Development Finance Corp. |
KOSPI | Korea Composite Stock Price Index |
LBO(M&A) | Leveraged Buyout |
LDCs | Less-Developed Countries |
LIBID | London Inter-bank Bid Rate |
LIBOR | London Inter-bank Offered Rate |
LIFFE | London International Financial Futures Exchange |
LME | London Metal Exchange |
LOB | Line of Business |
LTPR(일본) | Long-Term Prime Rate |
MMDA | Money Market Deposit Account |
MMFs | Money Market Mutual Funds |
MNC | Multinational Corporation |
MOFE | the Ministry of Finance and Economy |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NASDAQ | National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation |
NICS | Newly Industrialized Countries |
NIF | Note Issuance Facilities |
NYSE | New York Stock Exchange |
OA | Office Automation |
OBS | Office of Bank Supervision |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
P & A 방식 | Purchase and Assumption Arrangement |
PER | Price to Earnings Ratio |
RAPM | Risk-Adjusted Performance Measures |
RM | Relationship Manager |
RoRAC | Return on Risk Adjusted Capital |
RTC(미) | Resolution Trust Corporation |
RUF | Revolving Underwriting Facilities |
SDR | Special Drawing Right |
SEC(미) | Securities and Exchange Commission |
SIBOR | Singapore Interbank Offered Rate |
SIMEX | Singapore International Monetary Exchange |
SPV | Special Purpose Vehicle |
SVA | Shareholder Value Analysis |
SWIFT | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication |
TLC | Transferable Loan Certificate |
TLF | Transferable Loan Facility |
TR Loan | Trust Receipt Loan |
TROI | Total Renovation of Information |
VAR | Value-at-risk |
VRN | Variable Rate Note |
WACC | Weighted Average Cost of Capital |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
금융단어 | Financial Terms |
가격결정권 | Price Setting Power |
가격경쟁력 | Price Competitiveness |
가격비탄력적 | Price Inelastic |
가격탄력적 | Price Elastic |
가계(소매)대출 | Retail Credit |
가계금융 | Consumer & Private Banking |
가계금융본부 | Consumer & Private Banking Business Division |
가계금융부 | Consumer & Private Banking Business Department |
가계금융센터 | Private Banking Center |
가계금전신탁 | Household Money (in) Trust |
가계급부금 | Remunerations on Mutual Installment Savings |
가계당좌예금 | Household Checking Deposits |
가계대출팀 | Consumer Loan Team |
가계마케팅팀 | Consumer & Private Banking Marketing Team |
가계부문 | Household Sector |
가계우대정기적금 | Installment Savings Deposits Preferential to Households |
가계자금 대출금 | Loans to Households |
가계자금대출금 | Loans to Households |
가계장기신탁 | Household Long-Term Money Trusts |
가계장기저축 | Long Term Savings for Household |
가계적금관계대출 | Loans on Installment Savings |
가계지원팀 | Consumer & Private Banking Support Team |
가교은행 | Bridge Bank / Bridging Bank |
가교종금사 | Bridge Merchant Bank |
가구 | Households |
가구소비 | Household Consumption |
가산금리 | Margin |
가속상각법 | Accelerated Depreciation Method |
가수금 | Suspense Payable |
가스기금시설자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Facilities from Gas Safety Fund |
가스기금운전자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Working Capital from Gas Safety Fund |
가스기금차입금 | Long-term Borrowings from Gas Safety Fund |
가압류 | Provisional Seizure |
가용외환보유고 | Usable Foreign Exchange Reserve |
가전 | Consumer Electronics |
가정법원(사법) | the Family Court |
가중평균자본비용 | Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) |
가지급금 | Suspense Receivables |
가처분 | Provisional Disposition |
가처분소득 | Disposable Income |
감가상각(감가상각하다) | Depreciation (Depreciate) |
감가상각비명세서 | Schedule of Depreciation |
감가상각율 | Depreciation Ratio |
감가상각충당금 | Allowances for Depreciation |
감독시스템 | Supervisory System |
감모(자본재의) | Wear and Tear (of Capital Goods) |
감모상각(고갈성자산) | Depletion |
감봉 | Salary Reduction / Wage Cut |
감사 | Auditor |
감사관(재경부) | Inspector General |
감사당당관(재경부) | Director for Inspection |
감사원 | Board of Audit and Inspection(BAI) |
감사원법 | Board of Audit and Inspection Act |
감사원장 | Chairman of the BAI |
감사의견 | Audit Opinion |
감자 | Capital Decrease / Reduction of Capital / Write-down of Capital |
감자계획 | Capital Reduction Plan |
감자차익 | Gain on Retirement of Capital Stock |
감정가 | Appraised Value |
감정평가 | Appraisal |
감채기금 | Sinking Fund |
감채기금사채 | Sinking Fund Bond |
감채적립금 | Reserves for Sinking Funds |
감춰진자산 | Hidden Assets |
갑기금 | Capital A Funds(General Working Capital of a Foreign Bank’s Branch) |
강세장 | the Bull Market |
강압적인개입(정부의) | Heavy Handed Intervention (By Government) |
개량 | Improvement |
개발비 | Deferred Development Expenses |
개발신탁 | Development Money Trusts |
개발은행 | Development Banks |
개별법 | Specific Identification Method |
개업비 | Pre-operating Costs |
개업비상각 | Amortization of Pre-operating Costs |
개인대출 | Personal Loan |
개인사업(자) | Proprietorships (Proprietors) |
개인연금신탁 | Individual Pension Money Trusts |
개정 | Revision (Amendment) |
객관적확률 | Objective Probability |
거대합병(M&A) | Mega-Mergers |
거래계정(자산) | Trading Account(Assets) |
거시경제정책 | Macro Economic Policies |
거액금융사고 | Major Financial Incident (Scandal) |
거액여신 | Large Credits |
거액여신 총액한도제 | Ceiling System on the Sum of Large Exposures |
거액여신총액한도제 | Ceiling System on the Sum of Large Exposures |
거주자계정 | Resident Accounts |
거치기간 | Grace Period |
건물 | Buildings |
건설가계정 | Construction in Progress |
건설교통부(정부) | the Ministry of Construction & Transportation |
건설업 | Construction |
건전성 규제(감독) | Prudential Regulation / Prudential Supervision |
건전성규제 | Prudential Regulation |
검사반장 | Bank Examiner in Charge / Principal Bank Examiner |
검사보고서 | Examination Report |
검사부 | Inspection Department |
검사역 | Inspector |
검사통보서 | First Day Letter |
검찰청(정부) | the Public Prosecutions Administration |
견책 | Reprimand |
결산보정미수이자기타 | Accrued Interest Receivables due to the Adjustment from Settlement of Accounts |
결산일 | Closing Date of the Fiscal Year |
결손금 | Deficits |
결손금처리계산서 | Statement of Disposition of Deficit |
결손보전적립금 | Reserves for Deficit Recovery |
결의 | Resolution |
결정계수 | Coefficient of Determination |
결제가격(선물) | Clearing Price |
결합재무제표 | Consolidated Financial Statements |
겸업은행제도 | Universal Banking System |
겸영업무 | Concurrent Business / Ancillary Business |
겸직제한 | Restriction on Holding of Posts Concurrently |
경고 | Notice of Censure / Warning Letter |
경과계정 | Transit Accounts |
경과조치 | Interim Measures |
경기부양대책(조치) | Economic Stimulus Package |
경기순환 | Business Cycle (Peak, Contraction, Recessionary Trough, Expansion) |
경기순환(변동) | Economic Cyclicality |
경기순환주 | Cyclical Stock |
경비 | Overhead (Cost) |
경상거래 | Current Transaction |
경상계정 | Current Account |
경상손익 | Ordinary Income (Loss) |
경상수지 | Balance of Current Account |
경상수지적자 | Current Account Deficit |
경상수지흑자 | Current Account Surplus |
경상이익 | Operating Profit |
경영개선계획(권고,조치,명령) | Management Improvement Plan (Recommendation, Measure, Order) |
경영개선권고 | Management Improvement Recommendation |
경영개선명령 | Management Improvement Order (or Cease and Desist Order) |
경영개선조치 | Management Improvement Measures / Steps for Managerial Improvement |
경영공시 | Public Disclosure of Management Performance |
경영권 | Corporate Control / Managerial Powers |
경영권 포기각서 | Written Pledge to Renounce the Right of Control |
경영권지배 | Management Control |
경영권포기각서 | Written Pledge to Renounce the Management Control |
경영다각화 | Diversification |
경영실적보고서 | Management Performance Report |
경영실태평가 | Management Status Evaluation |
경영위험 | Business Risk |
경영자문 | Managerial Consultancy |
경영전략 | Management Strategy |
경영전략팀 | Business Strategy Team |
경영정보시스템 | Management Information System (MIS) |
경영정상화계획 | Management Rehabilitation Plans |
경영지도기준 | Prudential Management Guidelines |
경영지도비율 | Prudential Management Ratios |
경영진 자격심사 | Fit and Proper Tests for Management |
경영진의자질 | Management Quality |
경영진자격심사 | Fit and Proper Tests for Management |
경영평가위원회 | Management Assessment Committee |
경영합리화권고 | Advice on Management Rationalization |
경영환경변화 | Changes in Management Environment |
경쟁심화 | Intensified Competition |
경쟁입찰 | Competitive Bidding |
경제분석과(재경부) | Economic Analysis Division |
경제정책국(재경부) | Economic Policy Bureau |
경제조사팀 | Economic Research Team |
경제협력과(재경부) | Economic Cooperation Division |
경제협력국(재경부) | Economic Cooperation Bureau |
경찰청(정부) | the National Police Agency |
경협총괄과(재경부) | International Economic Policy Division |
경호실(대통령) | The Presidential Security Service |
경화 | Hard Money (국제시장에서교환이자유로운통화) |
계량적모형 | Econometric Model |
계량적분석방법 | Econometric Analysis |
계류중인소송 | Pending Litigation |
계속기록법 | Perpetual Inventory Method |
계속기업 | Going Concern |
계열기업군 | Interlinked Business Group |
계열사 | Affiliate / Affiliated Company |
계정식 | T-account Format |
고객이소개한고객 | MGM (Member Gets Member) |
고객충성도 | Customer Loyalty |
고등급선호현상 | Flight to Quality |
고등법원(사법) | the High Court |
고비용자금조달 | High-cost Funding |
고성장산업 | Fast Growth Industry |
고소득개인고객 | High Net Worth Individual Clients |
고소득전문직 | High-income Professionals |
고용보험제도 | Employment Insurance System |
고정 | Substandard |
고정금리 | Fixed Rate |
고정금리채권 | Fixed Income Bonds |
고정부채 | Long-term Liabilities |
고정여신 | Substandard Loan |
고정자산 | Property and Equipment |
고정자산증가율 | Fixed Assets Growth |
고정자산처분명세서 | Schedule of Disposition of Fixed Assets |
고정자산처분손실 | Loss on Disposition of Fixed Assets |
고정자산처분이익 | Gain on Disposition of Fixed Assets |
고정자산회전율 | Fixed Assets Turnover (Times) |
고정장기적합률 | Fixed Assets to Equity and Long Term Liability |
고정환율 | Fixed Exchange Rates |
고정환율제도 | Fixed Exchange Rate System (Peg System) |
고평가유가증권 | Overvalued Securities |
곱하다(곱하기) | Multiply (Multiplication) |
공개매수(M&A) | Tender Offer |
공개시장조작 | Open Market Operations |
공고 | Public Announcement |
공공단체대출 | Public Trust Loans |
공공및기타자금대출금 | Loans to Public Sector & Others |
공공부문개혁 | Public Sector Reform |
공공사업지출 | Public Works Spending |
공공차관금 | Borrowings from International Organizations |
공공차관금대출 | On-lend Loans from International Organizations |
공구와기구 | Tools and Equipment |
공금예금 | Public Fund Deposits |
공급과잉 | Surplus (Excess) Suply |
공급자 | Suppliers |
공급자금융 | Supplier Credit |
공동CD/ATM투입자금 | Input Fund in Joint CD/ATM |
공동보유자(M&A) | Acting in Concert |
공모 | Public Offering |
공모(결탁) | Collusion |
공보관(재경부) | Public Information Officer |
공보담당관(재경부) | Director for Public Information |
공보실(정부) | the Office of Public Information |
공보역 | Public Relations Officer |
공보팀 | Public Relations Team |
공분산 | Covariance |
공사완성기준 | Completed Contract Method |
공사진행기준 | Percentage of Completion Method |
공시서류 | Disclosure Documents |
공업발전기금시설자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Facilities from Industrial Development Fund |
공업발전기금운전자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Working Capital from Industrial Development Fund |
공업발전기금차입금 | Long-term Borrowings from Industrial Development Fund |
공유가치관 | Shared Value |
공익 | Public Interest |
공익사업 | Utilities |
공익신탁 | Trust for Public Welfare |
공작기계 | Machine Tools |
공적 안전망 | Public Safety Net |
공적안전망 | Public Safety Net |
공정가격조항(M&A) | Fair Price Provision |
공정거래위원회 | Fair Trade Commission |
공정시가 | Fair Market Value |
공제사업중계계정 | Transit Account for Mutual Aid Business |
공탁금 | Guarantee Money With Court |
공포하다(법을) | Promulgate |
공황 | Panic (30년대의대공황 The Great Depression) |
과 | Section |
과거3개년연속적자 | Net Losses for the Past Three Consecutive Years |
과다 차입경영구조 | Highly Leveraged Financial Structure |
과다차입경영구조 | Highly Leveraged Financial Structure |
과세소득(과표) | Taxable Income |
과소평가 | Undervaluation |
과열경제 | Overheated Economy |
과장 | Manager |
과점(과점적) | Oligopoly (Oligopolistic) |
과태료 | Fine for Default / Negligence Fine |
과학기술부(정부) | the Ministry of Science & Technology |
관계회사 | Affiliates |
관계회사단기차입금 | Short-term Borrowings from Affiliated Companies |
관계회사대여금 | Loans to Affiliated Companies |
관계회사사채 | Investments in Affiliated Companies’ Debentures |
관계회사유가증권 | Investment Securities in Affiliated Companies |
관계회사자산부채명세서 | Schedule of Assets and Liabilities with Affiliated Companies |
관계회사장기차입금 | Long-term Debt to Affiliated Companies |
관계회사주식및출자금 | Equity Investments in Affiliated Companies |
관계회사채권 | Receivables from Affiliated Companies |
관계회사채무 | Payables to Affiliated Companies |
관계회사처분 | Disposal of Investment Securities of Affiliated Cos. |
관계회사취득 | Acquisition of Investment Securities of Affiliated Cos. |
관련회사 | Related Companies |
관리기획팀 | Loan Administration Planning Team |
관리역 | Credit Administration Officer |
관리유가증권신탁 | Securities in Custody Trust |
관리인 | Trustee |
관리회계 | Management Accounting |
관세 | Tariff |
관세법 | Customs Duties Act |
관세심의관(재경부) | Director General for Customs and Tariff |
관세제도과(재경부) | Customs Policy Division |
관세청(정부) | the Korea Customs Service |
관세협력과(재경부) | Customs Cooperation Division |
관세환급금 | Refunded Customs Duties |
관재과 | Property Administration Section |
괄호 | Parenthesis (복수 Parentheses) |
광업 | Mining |
광업권 | Mining Rights |
광업법 | the Mining Law |
교역조건 | Terms of Trade |
교원복지신탁 | Money Trusts for Teacher’s Welfare |
교육부(정부) | the Ministry of Education |
교육세법 | Education Tax Act |
교환사채 | Exchangeable Bond |
구매력평가설 | Purchasing Power Parity Theory (PPP Theory) |
구매법 | Purchase Method |
구속성예금 | Compensating Balance |
구제하다 | Bail Out (어려움에처한기업이나은행을) |
구조개혁 | Structural Reforms |
구조조정 | Structural Adjustment / Restructuring |
구조조정프로그램 | Restructuring Program |
구직자 | Job Seekers |
구축물 | Structures |
구축하다 | Crowd Out (구축효과 Crowding-out Effect) |
국가(정부)위험도 | Country(or Sovereign) Risk |
국가과학기술자문회의(정부) | the Presidential Council on Science & Technology |
국가보훈처(정부) | the Patriots and Veterans Administration Agency |
국가신용등급 | Sovereign Credit Rating(or Standing) |
국가안전기획부(정부) | the Agency for National Security Planning |
국가안전보장회의(정부) | the National Security Council |
국고과(재경부) | Treasury Division |
국고국(재경부) | Treasury Bureau |
국고대리수납금 | Deposits Received as Treasury Agency |
국고대리점 | Treasury Agency |
국고대리점통상수급분 | Ordinary Adjustment for Treasury Agency |
국고보조금 | Government Subsidies |
국고수표 | Treasury Checks |
국고채권 | Treasury Agencies Bonds |
국공채 | Government & Public Bonds |
국내지점망 | Domestic Branch Network |
국무조정실(정부) | the Office for Government Coordination |
국무총리 | the Prime Minister |
국무총리비서실 | the Office of the Prime Minister |
국무회의(정부) | the State Council |
국민고충처리위원회(정부) | the Ombudsman of Korea |
국민생활국(재경부) | Welfare & Price Policy Bureau |
국민연금기금 | National Pension Fund |
국민연금전환금 | Transfer From National Pension |
국민주신탁 | National Stock Trust |
국민주택기금대리점 | National Housing Fund Agency |
국민주택기금대출금 | Loans From National Housing Fund |
국민주택기금차입금 | Borrowings from National Housing Fund |
국민주택채권 | National Housing Bonds |
국민투자기금 | National Investment Fund |
국민투자기금대리점 | National Investment Fund Agency |
국민투자기금대출 | Loans From National Investment Fund |
국민투자기금시설자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Facilities from National Investment Fund |
국민투자기금예치금 | National Investment Fund Deposits With BOK |
국민투자기금운전자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Working Capital from National Investment Fund |
국민투자기금차입금 | Long-term Borrowings from National Investment Fund |
국방부(정부) | the Ministry of National Defense |
국별위험 | Country (Soverign) Risk |
국별한도 | Country Limit |
국세기본법 | Framework Act on National Taxes |
국세심판소(재경부) | National Tax Tribunal |
국세징수법 | National Tax Collection Act |
국세청(정부) | the National Tax Administration |
국외점포 | Overseas Presence / Overseas Establishments |
국유은행(정부은행) | Government-owned Banks |
국유재산과(재경부) | Government Properties Division |
국유화하다 | Nationalize |
국정감사 | National Assembly’s Inspection |
국제금융과(재경부) | International Finance Division |
국제금융국(재경부) | International Finance Bureau |
국제금융심의관(재경부) | Deputy Director General for International Finance |
국제기구과(재경부) | International Financial Institutions Division |
국제기준 | International Standards |
국제기획팀 | International Planning & Coordination Team |
국제부 | International Banking Department |
국제수지 | Balance of Payment (BOP) |
국제은행감독자회의 | International Conference of Banking Supervisors(ICBS) |
국제적 은행업무 | Cross-border Banking Business / International Banking Business |
국제조세과(재경부) | International Tax Division |
국제회계기준 | International Accounting Standards |
국제회계기준위원회 | International Accounting Standards Committee(IASC) |
국채 | Government Bonds |
국채관리기금채권 | Bonds on Fund for Management of Government Bonds |
국채대리점 | Government Bonds Agency |
국채법 | National Bonds Act |
국회 | the National Assembly |
권리락주가 | Ex-right Price |
권리부주가 | Right on Price |
권리행사가격 | Strike (Exercise) Price |
귀금속 | Jewelry |
귀금속미지급금 | Jewelry Accounts Payable |
규모의경제 | Economies of Scale |
규모의비경제 | Diseconomy of Scale |
규모축소 | Downsizing |
규제장치 | Regulatory Framework |
규제폐지 | Deregulation |
그룹내부거래 | Intra-group Transaction |
그룹지원팀 | Group Management Team |
근로자우대신탁 | Money Trusts for Workers |
근로자우대저축 | Savings Deposits Preferential to Workers |
근로자장기저축 | Long Term Savings Deposits for Workers |
근로자주택마련저축 | Savings for Workers’ Housing |
근로자퇴직적립신탁 | Employee Retirement Installments Trust |
근무기간 | Length of Services |
금고 | Imprisonment |
금리민감부채 | Rate-Sensitive Liabilities (RSL) |
금리민감자산 | Rate-Sensitive Assets (RSA) |
금리선물 | Interest Rate Futures |
금리스왑 | Interest Rate Swap |
금리연동부사채 | Floating Rate Bond |
금리옵션 | Interest Rate Option |
금리위험 | Interest Rate Risk |
금리재정거래 | Interest Rate Arbitrage |
금리차 | Interest Rate Differential |
금리하락 | the Decline of Interest Rates |
금본위제 | Gold Standard |
금속 | Metals |
금융감독기구의 설치등에 관한 법률 | Act Concerning Establishment of Financial Supervisory Organizations |
금융감독기구협의회 | Financial Supervision Authorities Committee |
금융감독원 | Financial Supervisory Board |
금융감독원 부원장 | Deputy Superintendent of the Financial Supervisory Board |
금융감독원 부원장보 | Assistant Superintendent of the Financial Supervisory Board |
금융감독원장 | Superintendent of the Financial Supervisory Board |
금융감독위원회 | Financial Supervisory Commission |
금융감독위원회 부위원장 | Vice Chairman of the Financial Supervisory Commission |
금융감독위원회 위원장 | Chairman of the Financial Supervisory Commission |
금융감독위원회위원 | Member(or Commissioner) of the Financial Supervisory Commission |
금융개혁위원회 | Financial Reform Committee |
금융결제원 | Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute |
금융공학 | Financial Engineering |
금융기관 감독규정 | Regulations Concerning the Supervision of Banking Institutions |
금융기관 감독업무 시행세칙 | Detailed Enforcement Regulations for Supervision of Banking Institutions |
금융기관 검사업무 시행세칙 | Detailed Enforcement Regulations for Examination of Banking Institutions |
금융기관 여신관리업무 시행세칙 | Detailed Enforcement Regulations for the Credit-Management of Banking Institutions |
금융기관감독규정 | Regulation Concerning the Supervision of Banking Institutions |
금융기관의 공신력 | Public Confidence in a Financial Institution |
금융기관의 합병등에 대한 인가기준 및 지원사항 | Authorization Standards & Support Measures Concerning Mergers & Acquisitions among Financial Institutions |
금융기관제재심의회 | Financial Institution Sanctions Committee |
금융기관차입금(역외) | Off-Shore Borrowings from Banks |
금융리스 | Financial Lease |
금융부문구조조정 | Financial Sector Restructuring |
금융분쟁조정 | Settlement of Financial Disputes |
금융분쟁조정업무 시행세칙 | Detailed Enforcement Regulations for Settlement of Financial Disputes |
금융분쟁조정위원회 | Financial Disputes Settlement Committee |
금융비용 | Financing Costs |
금융비용대매출 | Financial Expenses to Sales |
금융산업구조개선에관한법령 | Act Concerning the Structural Improvement of the Financial Industry |
금융산업의 구조개선에 관한 법률 | Financial Industry Restructuring Act |
금융선물 | Financial Futures |
금융선물선급이자기타 | Prepaid Interest of Financial Futures |
금융선물선수이자기타 | Unearned Interest and Others on Transaction of Financial Futures |
금융시장 안정 및 대외 신인도 제도대책 | Measures to Stabilize the Domestic Financial Markets and to Enhance Institutions’ Creditworthiness |
금융실명거래 및 비밀보장에 관한 긴급재정경제명령 | Emergency Presidential Decree Concerning Real Name Financial Transaction and Protection of Confidentiality |
금융실명거래및비밀보장에관한법률 | Act on Real Name Financial Transactions and Guarantee of Secrecy |
금융실명제 | Real Name Financial Transaction System |
금융자금대출금 | Loans From Banking Funds |
금융자문 | Financial Advisory Services |
금융자문팀 | Financial Advisory Team |
금융정책과(재경부) | Financial Policy Division |
금융정책국(재경부) | Financial Policy Bureau |
금융채 | Finance Debentures |
금융통화위원회 | Monetary Board |
금융협력과(재경부) | Financial Cooperation Division |
금전신탁 | Money Trusts |
금전신탁이외의금전신탁 | Other Ex-money Trusts |
금전채권 | Money Receivables |
금전채권신탁 | Money Receivable Trusts |
금치산자 | Person Declared Legally Incompetent |
급부전부금(수입부금) | Non-Remunerated Mutual Installment Deposits |
급부후부금(수입부금) | Remunerated Mutual Installment Deposits |
급여이체 | Payroll Transfer |
기간 | Tenor |
기간내배분 | Intra-period Allocation |
기간배분 | Inter-period Allocation |
기간부서 | Line Departments |
기계장치 | Machinery and Equipment |
기관경고 | Warning to an Institution |
기관고객 | Institutional Clients |
기능통화 | Functional Currency |
기대수익율 | Expected Rate of Return (Expected Yield) |
기대수익율극대화기준 | the Maximum Expected Return Criterion |
기말상품(제품)재고액 | Ending Inventory |
기말의현금 | Cash at the End of the Year |
기말재공품재고 | Ending Work in Process |
기명식 | Registered Form |
기밀유지계약(M&A) | Confidentiality Agreement |
기본자본 | Core Capital / Tier 1 Capital |
기본자본비율 | Core Capital Ratio |
기본적분석 | Fundamental Analysis |
기부금 | Donations |
기산일 | Initial Date in Reckoning |
기상청(정부) | the Meteorological Administration |
기술개발준비금 | Reserve for Technology Development |
기술및경영자문서비스 | Technical and Managerial Consultancy Services |
기술적분석 | Technical Analysis |
기술적우위 | Technological Lead |
기업고객 | Corporate Clients |
기업구조조정기금 | Corporate Restructuring Fund |
기업구조조정법 | Corporate Reorganization Act |
기업구조조정위원회 | Corporate Restructuring Committee |
기업구조조정팀 | Corporate Work-out Team |
기업금융본부 | Corporate Banking Business Division |
기업금융부 | Corporate Banking Department |
기업금전신탁 | Company Money (in) Trust |
기업대출 | Corporate Lending |
기업부도 | Corporate Insolvency / Corporate Bankruptcy |
기업부문구조조정 | Corporate Sector Restructuring |
기업분할(M&A) | Sell-offs |
기업실체 | Business Entity |
기업어음 | Commercial Paper (CP) |
기업운전급부금 | Remunerations on Mutual Installment Savings |
기업은행 | Industrial Bank of Korea |
기업자금대출금 | Loans to Enterprise |
기업자유예금 | Corporate Free Savings Deposits |
기업지배구조 | Corporate Governance (System) |
기업지원팀 | Corporate Banking Support Team |
기업집단 | Interlinked Companies |
기업청산 | Corporate Liquidation |
기업합리화적립금 | Reserve for Business Rationalization |
기업회계기준 | Financial Accounting Standards |
기존대출금을회수하다 | Withdraw Existing Loans |
기존주주 | the Existing Shareholders |
기중발생미수이자 | Accrued Interest Receivables During the Fiscal Period |
기초상품(제품)재고액 | Beginning Inventory |
기초의현금 | Cash at the Beginning of the Year |
기초재공품재고 | Beginning Work in Process |
기타부채 | Other Liabilities |
기타부채외화분 | Other Liabilities in Foreign Currency |
기타신용카드 | Other Credit Cards |
기타예치금 | Other Dues |
기타외화지급보증 | Other Acceptances and Guarantees in Foreign Currency |
기타외화지급보증대지급금 | Other Advances for Customers in foreign Currency |
기타요구불예금 | Other Demand Deposits |
기타원화지급보증 | Other Acceptances and Guarantees in Won |
기타원화지급보증대지급금 | Other Advances for Customers in Won |
기타유동부채 | Other Current Liabilities |
기타유동자산 | Other Current Assets |
기타유동자산명세서 | Schedule of Other Current Assets |
기타은행차관금 | Other Bank Loans |
기타이연자산 | Other Deferred Assets |
기타자본잉여금 | Other Capital Surplus |
기타자산 | Other Assets |
기타자산외화분 | Other Assets in Foreign Currency |
기타잡자산 | Sundry Assets |
기타정부차입금 | Other Borrowings from Government |
기타정책기금차입금 | Long-term Borrowings from Other Public Fund |
기타정책자금시설자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Facilities from Other Public Fund |
기타정책자금운전자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Working Capital from Other Public Fund |
기타준비금 | Other Reserves |
기타증권 | Other Securities |
기타차입금 | Other Borrowings |
기타충당금 | Other Allowances |
기타타점권 | Other Checks & Bills in Process of Collection |
기타한은차입금 | Other Borrowings from BOK |
기표(하다) | Disbursement (Disburse) |
기획관리실(재경부) | Planning and Management Office |
기획예산담당관(재경부) | Planning and Budget Officer |
기획예산위원회(정부) | the Planning and Budget Commission |
긴급명령 | Emergency Presidential Decree |
긴급융자(구제)자금 | Emergency Rescue Fund / Bail-out Fund |
긴급조치 | Emergency Measures |
긴축예산 | Austerity (Tight) Budgets |
금융단어 | Financial Terms |
나누다(나누기) | Divide (Division) |
난수 | Random Number |
난외거래 | Off-Balance-Sheet Transactions |
납입(보통주)자본금 | Paid-in Capital |
납입자본금 | Paid-in Capital(U.S.) / Paid-up Capital(U.K.) |
납입자본순이익율 | Return on Paid-in Capital |
내국수입유산스 | Import Usance Bill / Domestic Import Usance |
내국신용장어음매입 | Local L/C Bills Bought |
내국환업무 | Domestic Exchange Transaction |
내부감사 | Internal Audit |
내부감사인 | Internal Auditor |
내부금융 | Internal Financing (사내유보금을통한사업확장등.) |
내부승진한 | Internally Grown (Promoted) |
내부유보 | Retained Earnings |
내부자거래 | Insider Tradings |
내부자거래규제법(미) | Insider Trading Sanctions Act |
내부자본시장 | Internal Capital Market |
내부통제 | Internal Controls |
내부투자수익율 | Internal Rate of Return (IRR) |
내용년수 | Useful Life |
내인가 | Preliminary Authorization |
내인가(신청)단계 | Application Stage of Authorization |
내재가치 | Intrinsic Values |
노동법 | Labor Law |
노동부(정부) | the Ministry of Labor |
노동자생산성 | Labor Productivity |
노동조합 | Labor Union |
노동조합이없는기업 | Non-unionized Company |
노동집약산업 | Labor Intensive Industry |
노무비 | Labor (Cost) |
노후생환연금신탁 | Money Trusts for Old Age Living Pension |
농림부(정부) | the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry |
농수산물유통공사 | the Agricultural and Fishery Marketing Corporation (AFMC) |
농어가사채대체자금대출금 | Loans for Agricultural & Fishery Households |
농어촌발전기금채권 | Bonds on Fund for Improvement of Agriculture & Fishery |
농업 | Agriculture |
농업경제 | Agrarian Economy |
농업관련사업 | Agribusiness |
농업자금대출 | Loans for Agriculture |
농지채권 | Bonds on Farming Land |
농촌진흥청(정부) | the Rural Development Administration |
농촌환경개선자금차입금 | Borrowings from Fund for Improvement of Agricultural Community |
농협 | National Agricultural Cooperative Federation |
누적적우선주 | Cumulative Preferred Stock |
능력(업적)위주제도 | Performance-based System |
능력주의 | Meritocracy |
금융단어 | Financial Terms |
다각적합병(M&A) | Conglomerate Mergers |
다음사업년도 | the Next Succeeding Financial Years |
단기금융시장 | Money Market |
단기금융업법 | Short-Term Finance Business Act |
단기대여금 | Short-term Loans |
단기매매금지법(미) | The Short Swing Profit Rules |
단기외채 | Short-term External Debt |
단기지급보증 | Short-term Acceptances Outstanding |
단기지급보증대충 | Short-term Customers’ Liability on Acceptances |
단기차입금 | Short-term Borrowings |
단기차입금명세서 | Schedule of Short-term Borrowings |
단위당노동비용 | Unit Labor Costs |
단주 | Odd Lot |
단체퇴직급여충당금 | Accrued Severance Pay-funded |
단체퇴직보험예치금 | Deposits on Allowance for Severance Pay-funded |
담보가치 | Collateral Value |
담보관리 | Collateral Management |
담보권 | Lien / Hypothec |
담보권이있는채권자 | Secured Creditors |
담보권행사 | Exercise of Security Right |
담보부사채 | Secured Bond |
담보부사채신탁법 | Secured Bond Trust Act |
담보부여신 | Secured Loan / Collateralized Loan / Loan Secured by Collateral |
담보부증권 | Mortgage-Backed Securities |
담보여신비율 | Collateral Loans(to Total Loans) Ratio / Secured Loan (to Total Loans) Ratio |
담보운용신탁 | Collateral Management Trust |
담보취득 | Taking of Security |
당기말미처리결손금 | Undisposed Deficit at the End of Year |
당기말미처분이익잉여금 | Unappropriated Retained Earnings at the End of the Year |
당기상품매입액 | Purchases During the Period |
당기손익 | Net Income (Loss) For The Current Year |
당기순이익 | Net Income(for a Fiscal Period) / Net Income for the Year |
당기업적주의 | Current Operating Performance Concept |
당기제조원가 | Manufacturing Costs During the Period |
당기총제조비용 | Total Manufacturing Costs During the Period |
당발추심 | Outward Collection |
당좌대출 | Authorized Overdraft / Overdraft Facilities |
당좌대출상환용타점권 | Checks & Bills on Clearing for Overdrafts |
당좌비율 | Quick Ratio |
당좌수표 | Authorized Check |
당좌예금 | Checking Account(U.S) / Current Account(U.K.) |
당좌자산 | Quick Assets |
당좌차월 | Bank Overdrafts |
당해회계년도 | the Current Fiscal Year |
대규모기업집단 | Large Interlinked Business Group |
대기통지서 | Credit Advice |
대리 | Assistant Manager |
대리인 | the Proxies |
대리인이론 | Agency Theory |
대리점(회계) | Deposits Held by Agency Relationship |
대마불사론 | the “Too Big To Fail” Theory |
대법원(사법) | the Supreme Court |
대본점 자금공급(자산계정) | Due from (Head Office) |
대본점 자금차입(부채계정) | Due to (Head Office) |
대사 | Reconcilement |
대손상각 | Write-off |
대손상각비 | Bad Debt Expenses |
대손충당금 | Loan Loss Reserves / Loan Loss Provisions / Allowances for Bad Debts |
대여금명세서 | Schedule of Loans |
대여유가증권 | Securities Lent |
대외신인도 | International Creditworthiness / Credit Standing |
대외준비자산 | External Reserves |
대응개념 | Matching Concept |
대정부차입금 | Government Subordinated Loans |
대주(공매) | Short Selling |
대주잔고(주식) | Debit Balance (in Brokerage Account) |
대주주 | Major Shareholders |
대주주지분 | Majority Equity Stake |
대지 | Building Sites |
대차대조표 | Balance Sheet |
대차대조표각주 | A Footnote to the Balance Sheet |
대차대조표일 | Balance Sheet Date |
대차대조표자산(난내자산) | Balance Sheet Assets |
대체구매 | Replacement Purchases |
대체비용 | Replacement Cost |
대체재 | Substitute Goods |
대체저금 | Transfer Savings |
대출금 | Loans & Discounts |
대출약정 | Loan Commitment |
대출정책 | Lending Policy |
대출협상 | Loan Negotiation |
대출회수 | Loan Collection |
대충자금차입금 | Borrowings from Government Allowances |
대통령 | The President |
대통령령 | Presidential Decree |
대한무역투자진흥공사 | the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) |
대한주택공사 | the Korea National Housing Corporation (KNHC) |
더하다(더하기) | Add Up (Sum) |
도급공사 | Construction Contract |
도덕적해이 | Moral Hazard |
도로공채 | Road Construction Bonds |
도매금융 | Wholesale Banking Business |
도매업 | Wholesale |
도시가스사업기금 | City Gas Business Fund |
독립변수 | Independent Variables |
독일연방은행 | Bundes Bank (BUBA) |
독점(독점적인) | Monopoly (Monopolistic) |
독점규제 및 공정거래에 관한 법률 | Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act |
독점규제및공정거래에관한법률 | Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act |
독점판매권(체인점영업권) | Franchises |
돈세탁 | Money Laundering |
동산 | Movables |
동산담보대출 | Loans on Movables Collateral |
동산부동산 | Movables & Real Estate |
동산의신탁 | Movables Trust |
동일계열여신한도제 | System of Credit Ceilings on Single Interlinked Business Groups |
동일인 여신한도제 | System of Credit Ceilings on Single Borrowers |
동일인보증한도 | Single Borrower (Person, Party, Group) Guarantee Ceiling |
동일인여신한도 | Single Borrower (Person, Party, Group) Loan Ceiling |
동태비율분석 | Dynamic Financial Ratio Analysis |
두자리숫자의감소(증가) | the Double-digit Decline (Growth) |
등록식채권 | Registered Bonds |
금융단어 | Financial Terms |
리스계약 | Lease Contracts |
만기갭 | Maturity Gap |
만기보유채권 | Held-to-Maturity Bonds |
만기수익율 | Yield To Maturity (YTM) |
만기어음 | Matured Bills |
만기연장 | Roll-Over / Extension of Debt Maturity |
만기연장 | Roll-over or Extension of Debt Maturity |
만기일시상환 | Bullet Repayment |
만기재조정 | Rescheduling |
매각으로**의손실을실현 | Post (Realize) a** Loss from the Sale |
매년 | Annual |
매도외환 | Drafts Sold |
매반기 | Semiannual |
매분기 | Quarterly |
매수(M&A) | Acquisition |
매수청구권 | Appraisal Rights (Dissenters’ Right, Appraisal Remedy) |
매월 | Monthly |
매입가 | Purchase Price |
매입보관비 | Warehousing (Expenses) |
매입에누리 | Purchases Allowances |
매입외환 | Bills Bought |
매입운임 | Freight-in (Expenses) |
매입채무명세서 | Schedule of Trade Notes and Accounts Payable |
매입할인 | Purchase Discounts |
매주 | Weekly |
매출가격환원법 | the Retail Inventory Method |
매출액 | Sales Revenue |
매출액경상이익율 | Ordinary Income on Sales |
매출액명세서 | Supplementary Schedule of Sales |
매출액순이익율 | Net Income on Sales |
매출액증가율 | Sales Growth |
매출액총이익율 | Gross Margin on Sales |
매출어음 | Bills Sold |
매출에누리 | Sales Allowance |
매출원가 | Cost of Sales |
매출원가명세서 | Supplementary Schedule of Cost of Sales |
매출채권명세서 | Schedule of Trade Notes and Accounts Receivable |
매출채권회전율 | Receivable Turnover (Times) |
매출총손익 | Gross Profit (Loss) |
매출총이익법 | Gross Profit Method |
매출할인 | Sales Discounts |
면책 | Indemnity |
명목계정 | Nominal Account |
명목이자율 | Nominal Interest Rate |
명목임금 | Nominal Wages |
명예퇴직제 | Early Retirement Program (ERP) |
명의개서 | the Alteration of Entry in the Register of Shareholders |
모점제 | Hub & Spoke System |
모집주선 | Best Effort Offering |
모회사 | Parent Company |
목돈마련저축 | Property Formation Savings |
몫(수학) | Quotient a/b=c —> Numerator / Denominator = Quotient |
무기명식 | Bearer Form |
무기명채권 | Unregistered (Bearer) Bonds |
무기명채권 | Bearer Bond |
무보증사채 | Unsecured Bonds |
무보증사채 | Unguaranteed Bond |
무상증자 | Capital Increase without Consideration / Unremunerated Rights Issue |
무상증자 | Bonus Issue |
무수익여신 | Non-performing Loans |
무수익여신비율 | Non-performing Loan Ratio |
무역금융 | Foreign Trade Loans (Trade Finance) |
무역수지 | the Balance of Merchandise Trade |
무역어음매출 | Sales of Trade Bills |
무역어음매출이자 | Interest on Sales of Trade Bills |
무역어음수입보증금 | Guaranteed Deposits Received for Trade Bills |
무역어음인수 | Acceptance for Trade Bills |
무역어음인수대지급금 | Advances for Customers on Acceptance for Trade Bills |
무역어음인수대충 | Contra Account of Acceptances for Trade Bills |
무역어음할인 | Trade Bills Discounted |
무역자유화 | Trade Liberalization |
무위험자산 | Risk-free Assets |
무의결권주 | Non-voting Stock |
무자본 특수법인 | Special Juridical Person with No Capital |
무차별곡선 | Indifference Curve |
무형고정자산 | Intangible Fixed Assets |
무형고정자산명세서 | Schedule of Intangible Fixed Assets |
무형고정자산의평가 | Valuation of Intangible Fixed Assets |
문제여신 | Non-Performing Loans Over *** Months |
문제은행 | Problem Bank / Distressed Bank |
문책기관경고 | Warning to Institution for Reprimand |
문화관광부(정부) | the Ministry of Culture & Tourism |
문화재관리국(정부) | the Office of Cultural Properties |
문화적합치성 | Cultural Fit |
물가정책과(재경부) | Price Policy Division |
물가조사표 | Price Survey Index |
물가지수 | Price Index |
미결제환대 | Deferred Loss from Foreign Exchange |
미결제환차 | Deferred Gain from Foreign Exchange |
미경과손금 | Prepaid Expenses |
미경과신탁이익 | Prepaid Trust Profit |
미경과이익 | Unearned Profit |
미교부주식배당금 | Unissued Stock Dividends |
미래가치 | Future Value |
미수금 | Account Receivable |
미수수익 | Accrued Income |
미수연체이자 | Overdue Interest Receivable |
미수이자기타 | Accrued Interest Receivables |
미시경제정책 | Micro Economic Policies |
미실현손실 | Unrealized Loss |
미지급금 | Accounts Payable |
미지급배당금 | Dividend Payable |
미지급법인세 | Income Tax Payable |
미지급비용 | Accrued Expenses |
미지급송금 | Due to Customers |
미지급신탁보수 | Accrued Trust Fees and Commissions |
미지급신탁이익 | Accrued Trust Income |
미지급외환 | Inward Remittance Payable |
미지급이자 | Accrued Intrest Payable |
미지급채권이자 | Accrued Debentures Interests |
미추심외환 | Unreimbursed Foreign Exchange |
미회수이자 | Uncollected Interest |
민감도분석 | Sensitivity Analysis |
민법 | Civil Code |
민영화하다 | Privatize |
민주평화통일자문회의(정부) | the Secretariat Office Advisory Council on Democratic & Peaceful Unification |
밑빠진독에물붓기 | Like Water Draining Out of a Hole In the Bottom of a Bucket (부실기업대출의계속) |
금융단어 | Financial Terms |
바닥을치다(주가나경기가) | Bottom Out (Trough (verb), A Trough Has Been Reached, Reach a Bottom) |
바스켓관리제도 | System of Credit Ceilings on the Sum of Exposures to the Top 5(or 10) Interlinked Business Groups / Basket Control System |
반대주주 | Dissenting Shareholders |
반도체 | Semiconductors |
반제품 | Semi-finished Goods |
받을어음 | Trade Notes Receivable |
발급은행(L/C나보증서) | Issuing Bank (Issuer) |
발기인 | Promoter |
발생주의 | Accrual Basis |
발생하다(비용) | Incur |
발행가격 | Issue Price |
발행금융채권 | Financial Debentures Issued |
발행시장 | Primary Market |
발행주식수 | No. of Outstanding Shares |
발행주식총수(의결권있는) | the Total Outstanding Voting Capital Stock |
발행특별금융채권 | Special Finance Debentures Issued |
배당건설이자 | Pre-operating Dividends |
배당금 | Dividends |
배당금분배 | Distribution of Proceeds |
배당금의지급 | Payment of Dividends |
배당금지급청구권 | Claims for Payment of Dividend |
배당금지불능력 | the Dividend Paying Capabilities |
배당률 | Dividend Ratio |
배당성향 | Dividend Payout Ratio |
배당성향(비율) | Dividend Payout Ratio |
배당준비금 | Reserve for Dividend |
배당평균적립금 | Reserves for Dividend Equalization |
배분의효율성 | Allocational Efficiency |
배임 | Malfeasance in Office |
벌금형 | Fine |
벌칙성금리 | the Penalty Rate |
범위 | Range |
범위의경제 | Economies of Scope |
법규팀 | Legal Affairs Team |
법무담당관(재경부) | Legal Affairs Officer |
법무부(정부) | the Ministry of Justice |
법원경매 | Court Auction |
법인 | Juridical Person (Juristic Person) |
법인세 | Corporate Income Tax / Corporate Tax |
법인세등 | Provision for Corporate Taxes |
법인세등명세서 | Schedule of Income Taxes |
법인세법 | Corporate Income Tax Act / Corporate Tax Act |
법인세제과(재경부) | Corporation Tax Division |
법인세차감전순이익 | Income before Provision for Income Taxes |
법적위험 | Legal Risk |
법정관리 | Court Receivership |
법정적립금 | Statutory Reserves |
법정준비금 | Legal Reserves |
법정최소자본 | Mandatory Minimum Capital Requirement |
법제처(정부) | the Government Legislations Agency |
변동금리 | Floating Rate |
변동금리채 | Floating Rate Note (FRN) |
변동환율제도 | Floating (Flexible) Exchange Rate System |
별단예금 | Temporary Deposits |
별도준비금 | Voluntary Reserve for Recapitalization |
병무청(정부) | the Military Manpower Administration |
보건복지부(정부) | the Ministry of Health & Welfare |
보고식 | Report Format |
보관국채 | Government Bonds in Custody |
보관국채대충 | Contra-Account of Government Bonds in Custody |
보관유가증권 | Securities in Custody |
보수(보상) | Remuneration |
보완자본 | Supplementary Capital / Tier 2 Capital |
보완재 | Complementary Goods |
보장수익율 | Guaranteed Return |
보조금(보조금을지급하다) | Subsidy (Subsidize) |
보존보족금 | Guarantee Payment to Trust Account |
보증금 | Key-money |
보증대출 | Guaranteed Loans |
보증사채 | Guaranteed Bond |
보증서 | Guarantee |
보칙 | Supplementary Provisions |
보통예금 | Passbook Accounts |
보통주 | Common Stock |
보통주(자본금) | Common Stock (Ordinary Shares) |
보험 | Insurance |
보험감독원 | Insurance Supervisory Board |
보험기관 | Insurance Institutions |
보험료 | Insurance Premium |
보험부금전신탁 | Money Trust with Insurance |
보험업법 | Insurance Business Act |
보험제도과(재경부) | Insurance Division |
보험차익 | Gain on Insurance Settlements |
보호예수업무 | Custody Business |
보호주의 | Protectionism |
복권 | Lottery Sold |
복권당첨금 | Lottery Money Payable |
복금부공익신탁 | Trust for Public Welfare with Lottery |
복리 | Compound Interest Rate |
복리이자요소 | Compound Value Interest Factor (CVIF) |
복리채 | Compound Interest Debentures |
복리표 | Compound Value Table |
복지신탁 | Money Trust for Welfare |
본인가 / 인가 | Authorization(of License) |
본부 | Headquarter |
본원통화 | Monetary Base (현금+지불준비금) |
본인가단계 | Organization Stage |
본점 | Head Office |
본지점계정 | Inter-Office Account |
부(실) | Department |
부가가치세 | the Value Added Tax (VAT) |
부가가치세법 | the Value-Added Tax Act |
부가가치증가율 | Gross Value Added Growth |
부가국세 | Value-Added National Tax |
부가세선급금 | Prepaid Value Added Tax |
부가세선수금 | Value Added Taxes Received In Advance |
부기 | Book Keeping |
부내자산 | On-balance Sheet Assets |
부대문서(외환) | Control Documents |
부대비용 | Incidental Expense |
부대수수료 | Front-end Fee |
부도난회사 | the Defaulted Companies |
부도방지협약 | Anti-Bankruptcy Accord |
부도사유 | Event of Default |
부도어음 | Dishonored Bills / Dishonored Notes |
부도위험 | Default Risk |
부도유예(방지) 협약 | Bankruptcy Deferment(Prevention) Accord |
부동산 | Real Estate |
부동산거품 | Real Estate Bubble |
부동산등기법 | Real Estate Registration Act |
부동산저당대출 | Loans Collateralized by Real Estate |
부동산투자신탁 | Real Estate Investment Trust |
부산물 | By-products |
부속명세서 | Supplementary Schedules |
부속시설 | Auxiliary Facilities |
부속실 | Office |
부속실장 | Chief Manager |
부속자본(Second Tier) | Supplemental Capital |
부수업무 | Subsidiary Business |
부실(문제)자산 | Distressed Assets |
부실금융기관 | Ailing (or Insolvent) Financial Institution |
부실기업 | Ailing Company / Financially-Distressed Company |
부실매입외환대체분 | Transfer from Bad Bills Bought in Foreign Currency |
부실여신 | Bad Loans / Non-performing Loans |
부실여신대비 대손충당금 잔액비율 | Loan Loss Reserve Ratio(to Bad Loans) |
부실여신대비대손충당금비율 | Loan Loss Reserve Ratio (to Bad Loan) |
부실여신비율 | Bad Loan Ratio |
부실여신조기경보시스템 | Early Warning System for Bad Loans |
부실은행 | Ailing (Weak or Bad or Troubled) Banks |
부실징후 예상기업체 | Firm Showing Signs of Insolvency |
부실징후예상기업체 | Firms Showing Signs of Insolvency |
부실채권정리기금 | Non-performing Asset Resolution Fund / Non-performing Asset Management Fund |
부실채권정리기금채권 | Non-performing Asset Resolution Fund Bonds / Non-performing Asset Management Fund Bond |
부실채권정리기금출연금 | Contributions to Non-performing Asset Management Fund |
부여율(신주인수권부사채) | Warrantability |
부외자산 | Off-balance Sheet Assets |
부외채무 | Off-Balance-Sheet Liabilities |
부유층고객 | High Net Worth Client |
부의관계 | a Negative Relationship |
부의영업권 | Negative Goodwill |
부의자본 | Negative Equity Capital |
부장 | General Manager |
부정행위 | Fraudulent Activities |
부채비율 | Debt/Equity Ratio (Gearing Ratio) |
부채성충당금 | Allowance of a Liability Nature |
부채와자본총계 | Total Liabilities and Stockholder’s Equity |
부채의조기상환 | Early Retirement of Debt |
부채총계 | Total Liabilities |
부칙 | Addendum |
부행장 | Director & Deputy President |
분개장 | Journal Book |
분개하다 | Journalize (분개 Journalizing) |
분담금 | Share in Expenses |
분리매각(M&A) | Divestitures |
분리설립(M&A) | Spin-offs |
분모 | Denominator |
분산 | Variance |
분식결산 | Window-dressing for Closing |
분자 | Numerator |
분할상환대출 | Loans for Installment Repayment |
분할설립(M&A) | Split-offs |
불경기(불황) | Recession (Depression) |
불문율 | Unwritten Rule |
불충분한대손충당금 | Underprovided Loan Loss Reserve |
불특정금전신탁 | Unrestricted Money Trusts |
비M2B기관 | Non-M2B Institutions |
비거주자 | Non-Residents |
비거주자계정 | Non-Resident Accounts |
비거주자발행원화채권 | Debentures in Won Issued by Non-Resident |
비거주자원화예금 | Non-Resident Deposits in Won |
비거주자자유원예금 | Non-Resident Deposits in Free-Won |
비과세채권 | Tax-exempt Bond |
비교우위 | Comparative Advantage |
비교재무제표 | Comparative Financial Statements |
비누적적우선주 | Non-cumulative Preferred Stock |
비료 | Fertilizer |
비망가액 | Nominal Value |
비밀보장 | Protection of Confidentiality |
비밀적립금 | Secret Reserve |
비상계획 | Contingency Plan / Contingent Plan |
비상계획관(재경부) | Emergency Planning Officer |
비상계획담당관(재경부) | Director for Emergency Planning |
비상기획위원회(정부) | the Emergency Planning Committee |
비상임이사 | Non-executive Director / Non-executive Board Member / Non-standing Directors |
비상장법인 | Unlisted Juridical Person |
비상장주식 | Unlisted Stock |
비서실 | Secretary Department |
비서실(대통령) | the Office of the President |
비서역 | Chief Secretary |
비서팀 | Secretary Team |
비수 | Secret Number |
비시장성유가증권 | Non-Marketable Securities |
비업무용고정자산 | Fixed Assets not for Operations / Other Real Estate / Fixed Assets not Used for Business Purpose |
비업무용동산 | Movables not Used for Business Purpose |
비업무용부동산 | Real Estate not Used for Business Purpose |
비업무용자산 | Fixed Assets for Non-business Purpose |
비연결대상자회사주식 | Non-Consolidated Subsidiary Stock |
비영업용 | Non-operating Purposes |
비용 | Expenses |
비용상승을소비자에게전가 | Pass Along Cost Increase To Consumers |
비용절감계획 | Cost Reduction Scheme |
비용절감노력 | Cost-cutting Efforts |
비참가적우선주 | Non-participating Preferred Stock |
비철금속 | Non-metallic Mineral Products |
비통화금융기관 | Non-Banking Financial Institutions |
비통화금융기관차입금 | Borrowings from Non-Banking Financial Institutions |
비품 | Furniture |
비화폐성부채 | Non-monetary Liability |
비화폐성자산 | Non-monetary Asset |
빼다(빼기) | Subtract (Subtraction) |
금융단어 | Financial Terms |
사금융 알선 | Arrangement of Private Financing |
사금융알선 | Arrangement of Private Financing |
사내변호사 | In-house Lawyer |
사내이사 | Inside Directors |
사모 | Private Placement |
사모사채 | Privately Placed Corporate Bonds |
사무소 | Representative Office |
사무자동화기기 | Office Automation Equipment |
사변 | Armed Conflict |
사업결합조항(M&A) | Business Combination Provision |
사업본부 | Business Division |
사업성검토 | Feasibility Study |
사업확장적립금 | Reserve for Business Expansions |
사외유출금 | External Appropriations from Retained Earnings |
사외이사 | Outside Directors |
사전승인 | Prior Approval |
사전실사(M&A) | Due Diligence (Review) |
사전준비단계 | Pre-filing Stage |
사전통보 | Prior Notification |
사채 | Corporate Bonds (Debentures) |
사채명세서 | Schedule of Debentures |
사채발행비 | Debenture-issuing Costs |
사채발행비상각 | Amortization of Debenture Issuing Costs |
사채발행지급보증 | Guarantees for Debenture-Issuing |
사채발행지급보증대지급금 | Advances for Customers on Guarantees for Debenture Issuing |
사채발행지급보증대충 | Contra Account of Acceptances and Guarantees for Debenture Issuing |
사채발행차금 | Premium or Discount on Debentures Issued |
사채보증대지급구상채권 | Due from Customers under Payment Guarantees Receivable |
사채보증대지급의무액 | Liability under Payment Guarantees |
사채상환손실 | Loss on Redemption of Debentures |
사채상환이익 | Gain on Redemption of Debentures |
사채이자 | Interest Expense on Debentures |
사채-정부보증채 | Bonds Guaranteed by Government |
사채-정부출자기업체 | Government Owned Corporate Bonds |
사채할인발행차금 | Bond Discounts |
사회간접자본시설에대한 민간자본유치촉진법 | Promotion of Private Capital into Social Overhead Capital Investment Act |
사회적 물의 | Public Censure |
사후관리 | Ex Post Facto Administration |
사후신고 | Ex Post Facto Report / After-the-fact Notice / Follow-up Report |
산림청(정부) | the Forestry Administration |
산업,경제지표 | Industrial and Economic Indices |
산업경제과(재경부) | Industry Division |
산업관세과(재경부) | Industry & Tariff Division |
산업금융채권 | Industrial Finance Debentures |
산업기계 | Industrial Machinery |
산업동향 | Industry Trend |
산업별여신구성 | Loan Breakdown by Industry |
산업별포트폴리오 | Portfolio by Industry (Sector) |
산업분석실 | Industry Analysis Office |
산업은행 | Korea Development Bank (KDB) |
산업자원부(정부) | the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy |
산업재해예방기금 | Fund for Prevention of Industrial Casualties |
산업추세(이) | Industry Trend |
산업합리화계획 | Industry Rationalization Plan |
삼십대재벌 | Top 30 Chaebols (Conglomerates) |
상각 | Write-offs / Amortization |
상각(무형고정자산의경우) | Amortization (Amortize) |
상각채권추심이익 | Gain from Collecting Previously Written-off Receivables |
상계 | Netting / Set-Off |
상계하다 | Offset Against |
상관관계 | Correlation |
상관분석 | Correlation Analysis |
상무이사 | Managing Director |
상법 | Commercial Code |
상속 | Inheritance |
상수도공채 | Waterworks Bonds |
상시감시 | Off-site Surveillance |
상시사용종업원 | Permanent Employees |
상업어음 (진성어음) | Commercial Bill |
상업어음매출 | Commercial Bills Sold |
상업어음보증 | Guarantees for Commercial Bills |
상업어음보증대지급금 | Advances for Customers on Guarantees for Commercial Bills |
상업어음보증대충 | Contra Account of Guarantees for Commercial Bills |
상업어음할인 | Commercial Bills Discounted |
상업은행 | Commercial Banks |
상임감사 | Standing (Statutory) Auditor |
상임위원회 | Executive Committee |
상임이사 | Executive Director / Executive Board Member / Standing Directors |
상자법인 | Listed Juridical Person |
상장주식 | Listed Stock |
상표권 | Trademarks |
상표법 | the Trademark Act |
상표인지도 | Brand Identification (Recognition) |
상품 | Merchandise |
상품선물 | Commodity Futures |
상품유가증권 | Marketable Securities |
상품주식 | Trading Stock |
상향추세 | Upward Trend |
상호금융중계계정 | Transit Account for Mutual Finance |
상호부금 | Mutual Installment Savings |
상호소유(재벌계열사간) | Crossholdings |
상호신용금고 | Mutual Savings & Finance Companies |
상호신용금고법 | the Mutual Savings and Financing Act |
상호주식 | Interlocking Shares |
상호지급보증 | Mutual Payment Guarantees / Cross-debt Guarantee |
상호출자 | Interlocking Investments / Cross Investments |
상환계획 | Repayment Schedule |
상환우선주 | Callable Preferred Stock |
상환할증금 | Redemption Premium |
새마을금고 | New Community(Saemaul) Finance Associations |
생명공학 | Biotechnology |
생명보험사 | Life Insurance Companies |
생명보험채권 | Money Receivables on Life Insurance Policy |
생산량비례법 | Units of Production Method |
생산자물가지수 | Producer Prices Index (PPI) |
생활물가과(재경부) | Basic Commodity Division |
서면검사 | Documentary Examination / Off-site Examination |
서명감 | List of Authorized Signatures |
서명식(약정식) | Signing Ceremony |
서무과 | General Affairs Section |
서술적모형 | Descriptive Model |
서울특별시도시철도공사 | the Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation |
서울특별시지하철공사 | the Seoul Metropolitan Subway Corporation |
석유사업기금운전자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Facilities from Petroleum Business Fund / Long-term Loans for Working Capital from Petroleum Business Fund |
석유사업기금차입금 | Long-term Borrowings from Petroleum Business Fund |
석유화학 | Petrochemicals |
선급금 | Down Payment (Advance Payment) |
선급법인세 | Prepaid Corporate Income Tax |
선급비용 | Prepaid Expenses |
선급이자기타 | Prepaid Interest |
선도은행 | Leading Banks |
선량한 관리자로서의 주의의무 | Due Diligence |
선물거래법 | the Futures Trading Act |
선물거래손실 | Losses on Trading of Forwards |
선물계약 | Futures Contracts |
선물환거래대 | Futures Contracts Credits |
선물환거래차 | Futures Contracts Debits |
선물환계약 | Forward Exchange Contracts |
선불카드 | Prepaid Card |
선수금 | Advances Received |
선수수익 | Unearned Revenues |
선수이자기타 | Unearned Interest and Others |
선순위채무 | Senior Debt / Unsubordinated Debt |
선입선출법 | First-in First-out Method (FIFO) |
설립(창립)주주 | Founding Shareholder |
설립등기비 | Registration Fee |
설립자본금 | Initial Capital |
설비투자 | Facility Investment |
설정된담보 | Collateral Pledged |
섬유 | Textiles |
섬유공업근대화기금차입금 | Borrowings from Textile Federation Fund |
성업공사 | Korea Asset Management Corporation (KAMC) |
성장성에관한비율 | Ratios of Growth |
성장주 | a Growth Stock |
성장패턴 | Growth Pattern |
성장회사 | Growth Companies |
세금감면 | Tax Deductible |
세무대학(재경부) | National Tax College |
세무회계 | Tax Accounting |
세부사항 | Detailed Provisions |
세전비용 | Pretax Expense |
세제실(재경부) | Tax & Customs Office |
세제총괄심의관(재경부) | Director General for Internal Revenue & Tax Affairs |
소각(하다) | Extinguish |
소규모기업 | Small-scale Enterprises |
소극적적립금 | Negative Reserves |
소득분포 | Income Distribution |
소득세 | Income Tax |
소득세법 | the Income Tax Act |
소득세제과(재경부) | Income Tax Division |
소득승수 | Income Multiplier |
소득재분배 | Income Redistribution |
소매금융 | Retail Banking Business |
소매금융(상품) | Retail Banking (Products) |
소매금융점포망 | Retail Franchise |
소모품 | Expendable Supplies |
소비세제과(재경부) | Consumption Tax Division |
소비자 | Consumers |
소비자물가지수 | Consumer Price Index (CPI) |
소비자보호법 | Consumer Protection Act |
소비자정책과(재경부) | Consumer Policy Division |
소송 | Litigation |
소수주주 | Minority Stockholder |
소액대출 | Petty Loans |
소액현금 | Petty Cash |
소유권 | Ownership |
소지식채권 | Bearer Bonds |
손실금 | Net Loss |
손실금의보전 | Replenishment of Loss |
손실위험가중 부실여신비율 | Loss-risk Weighted Bad Loan Ratio |
손실위험가중부실여신비율 | Loss-risk Weighted Bad Loan Ratio |
손익 | Net Income (Loss) |
손익거래 | Revenue and Expense Transaction |
손익계산서 | Income Statement / Statement of Income |
손익분기점 | Break-even Point |
수권자본제도 | Authorized Capital Stock System |
수리모형 | Mathematical Model |
수리자금대출 | Loans for Water-Utilization |
수산업 | Fishery |
수산업법 | the Fishery Act |
수산업자금대출 | Loans for Fishery |
수산업협동조합 | The National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative |
수선비명세서 | Schedule of Repair and Maintenance Expense |
수송장비 | Transportation Equipment |
수수료선수금 | Unearned Fees |
수수료율표(외환) | Terms & Conditions |
수시검사 | Special Examination / Targeted Examination |
수열 | Sequence |
수요의탄력성 | Elasticity of Demand |
수용(징발)하다 | Expropriate |
수의상환사채 | Callable Bond |
수익 | Revenues |
수익권담보대출 | Loans on Trust Benefit Collateral |
수익력 | Earning Power |
수익률극대화기준 | the Maximum Return Criterion |
수익성개선계획 | Earnings Improvement Plan |
수익성변동 | Earnings Volatility |
수익성에관한비율 | Ratios of Profitability |
수익성예측 | Projection of Profitability |
수익율곡선 | Yield Curve |
수익율극대화기준 | the Maximum Return Criterion |
수익의분산정도 | Variability of Future Possible Income |
수익자(보증의) | Beneficiary |
수익적지출 | Revenue Expenditure |
수익증권 | Beneficiary Certificate |
수입Swap이자 | Swap Interest Income |
수입거래담보금 | Guaranteed Deposits Received for L/G |
수입거래수입환가료 | Import-related Income of Commission-in-lieu |
수입거래지급환가료 | Import-related Expense of Commission-in-lieu |
수입단가 | Import Unit Prices |
수입담보증권 | Customers’ Securities in Custody |
수입배당금 | Dividend Incomes |
수입보증금 | Deposits for Letter of Guarantees and Others |
수입부금 | Mutual Installment Savings / Mutual Installment Deposits |
수입선다변화제도 | Import Diversification Program |
수입수수료 | Commission Income (Fees and Commissions) |
수입신용장관련보증 | Guarantees for L/C |
수입신용장관련보증대지급금 | Advances for Customers on Import L/C |
수입신용장관련보증대충 | Contra Account of Guarantees for L/C |
수입이자와할인료 | Interest and Discounts Earned |
수입임대료 | Rental Income |
수입제세 | Withholding Taxes |
수입화물선취보증 | Guarantee in Acceptance of Imported Goods |
수입화물선취보증담보금 | Guarantee Money Received for Acceptance of Imported Goods |
수입화물선취보증대지급금 | Advances for Customers on Acceptance for L/G |
수입화물선취보증대충 | Contra Account of Acceptances for L/G |
수정은감원기준 | New (Tightened) OBS (Office of Bank Supervision) Guidelines (Criteria) |
수정후시산표 | Adjusted Trial Balance |
수지개선효과 | Positive Effect on the Balance Sheet |
수직계열화(생산라인) | Vertical Integration |
수직적합병(M&A) | Vertical Mergers |
수출거래수입환가료 | Export-related Income of Commission-in-lieu |
수출거래지급환가료 | Export-related Expense of Commission-in-lieu |
수출단가 | Export Unit Prices |
수출비중 | Export Ratio |
수출산업설비자금대출 | Loans for Equipments of Exporting Industry |
수출입금융채권 | Export-Import Finance Debentures |
수출입은행 | the Export-Import Bank of Korea |
수출주도경제 | Export-led Economy |
수출주도정책 | Export-driven Policy |
수탁부동산 | Real Estate Trusted |
수탁서비스(증권) | Custody Service |
수탁업무 | Custody Account Operations |
수탁자 | Consignee / Trustee |
수평적합병(M&A) | Horizontal Mergers |
수표법 | Checks Act |
수협 | National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives |
수확량체감의법칙 | the Law of Diminishing Returns |
숙박업 | Accommodation |
순매수가치(M&A) | Net Acquisition Value |
순손실 | Net Loss |
순실현가치 | Net Realizable Value |
순이익 | Net Profit |
순이익증가율 | Net Income Growth |
순자산가치 | Net Asset Values |
순현가 | Net Present Value |
승수 | Multiplier |
승인요건 | Approval Requirements |
승인절차 | Credit Approval Procedures |
시가 | Market Value |
시가법 | Market Value Method |
시가주의평가 | Mark-to-market Valuation |
시가주의회계제도 | Market Value Accounting |
시가총액 | Market Capitalization |
시계열상관분석 | Serial Correlation Analysis |
시너지효과(M&A) | Synergy Effect |
시산표 | Trial Balance |
시설자금 | Facility Loans |
시설자금대운전자금비율 | Ratio of Long-term Equipment Loans to Long-term Working Capital Loans |
시설자금대출금 | Loans for Equipments |
시설재대출 | Equipment Loans |
시설재수입자금외화대출 | Loans for Facilities Import by BOK Borrowings |
시용매출 | Conditional Sales |
시장규율 | Market Discipline |
시장금리 | Market Interest Rate |
시장성유가증권 | Marketable Securities |
시장위험 | Market Risk |
시장평균환율제도 | Market Average Exchange Rate System (MARS) |
시장포화 | Market Saturation |
시중은행 | Nationwide Commercial Banks |
시차를두고 | With a Time Lag |
시행령 | Enforcement Decree |
시행세칙 | Detailed Enforcement Regulations |
시행일 | Enforcement Date / Effective Date |
시행착오 | Trial and Error |
식음료 | Food and Beverage |
식품의약품안전청(정부) | the Korea Food and Drug Administration |
신고전경제학 | New Classical Economy |
신고전경제학자 | New Classical Economists |
신기술사업금융지원에관한법률 | the Financial Assistance to New Technology Business Act |
신디케이션대출 | Syndicated Loan |
신문용지공장 | Newsprint Mill |
신발 | Footwear |
신설합병(M&A) | Consolidation |
신용(평가)정책 | Credit Policy |
신용거래대주 | Stock Loans on Margin Account |
신용경색 | Credit Crunch |
신용관리기금 | Korea Non-Bank Deposit Insurance Corporation |
신용보증기금 | Korea Credit Guarantee Fund |
신용보증기금법 | the Credit Guarantee Fund Act |
신용보증기금신탁가수금 | Suspense Payable from Credit Guarantee Fund |
신용분석; | Credit Analysis |
신용불량자 | Person on the Credit Black List (of Korea Federation of Banks, Person with Poor Credit Standing) |
신용압박(대출축소등) | Credit Squeeze |
신용여신 | Unsecured (Clean) Loan |
신용위험 | Credit Risk |
신용장내도액 | Letter of Credit Arrivals |
신용정보의 이용 및 보호에 관한 법률 | Act Concerning the Use and Protection of Financial Information |
신용제도 | Credit System |
신용조합 | Credit Unions |
신용질서 | Credit Order |
신용카드계정 | Credit Card Accounts |
신용카드사 | Credit Card Companies |
신용카드채권매입 | Credit Card Receivables from Banking Account |
신용카드채권매출 | Credit Card Receivables Sold (to Trust Account) |
신용파생금융상품매도 | Credit Derivatives Sold |
신용판매대금 | Credit Sales |
신용평가기관 | Credit Rating Agencies |
신용평가사 | Credit Rating Companies |
신용한도 | Credit Line |
신용협동조합 | Credit Union |
신용환산율 | Credit Conversion Factor |
신종기업어음 | Commercial Paper (CP) |
신종적립신탁 | Special Installment Money Trust |
신주발행비 | Stock-issuing Costs |
신주발행비상각 | Amortization of (New) Stock-Issuing Costs |
신주인수권 | Preemptive Right |
신주인수권대가 | Consideration for Stock Warrants |
신주인수권부사채 | Bond With Warrants (BW) |
신주인수권조정 | Reconciliation for Stock Warrants |
신주인수권조정계정 | Adjustment Account for Stock Warrants |
신주인수권처분액 | Gain on Disposition of Stock Warrants |
신주청약증거금 | New Stock Subscriptions |
신청인(L/C나보증서) | Applicant |
신탁계약 | Trust Contract |
신탁계정 | Trust Account |
신탁계정차 | Borrowings from Trust Accounts |
신탁계정차이자 | Interest on Borrowings from Trust Account |
신탁기획팀 | Trust Planning Team |
신탁법 | Trust Act |
신탁보수 | Trust Fees |
신탁부 | Trust Department |
신탁업무 | Trust Business |
신탁업법 | Trust Business Act |
신탁여신관리자금 | Trust Credit Control Deposit |
신탁운용팀 | Trust Operations Team |
신탁이익 | Trust Income |
신탁재산의말소 | Cancellation of an Entrustment |
신탁재산의표시 | Indication of an Entrustment |
실권되다(신주가) | the New Shares Go Unsubscribed |
실명제 | Real Name System in Financial Transactions |
실물경제 | Real Economy |
실사(정밀조사) | Due Diligence |
실업보험 | Employment Insurance |
실업수당 | Unemployment Benefits |
실용신안권 | Utility Model Patents |
실용신안법 | the Utility Model Patent Act |
실지재고조사법 | Periodic Inventory Method |
실질GDP성장율 | Real GDP Growth Rate |
실질이자율 | Real Interest Rates |
실질적경영권지배 | Effective Management Control |
실행계획 | Implementation Plan |
실현손실 | Realized Loss |
실효이자율 | Effective Interest Rate |
심사보고서 | Lending (Credit) Application for Approval |
심사역 | Loan Officer |
금융단어 | Financial Terms |
아부하다 | Brownnose (By Kissing the Buttocks of the Person Whose Favor Is Sought) |
악화되다 | Deteriorate |
안전관리실 | Security Control Department |
안정성에관한비율 | Ratios of Stability |
압류 | Attachment |
압류부동산 | Confiscated Properties |
액면가 | Face Value |
액면가격 | Par Value |
액면가액법 | Par Value Method |
액면주식 | Par Value Stock |
약관 | Standard Contract Terms and Conditions / Agreement |
약세장 | the Bear Market |
약속어음 | Promissory Notes |
약정서 | Agreement |
약정수수료 | Commitment Fee |
양건예금 | Compensating Balance |
양곡채권 | Grain Bills |
양도성예금증서 | Negotiable Certificates of Deposits (CDs) |
양도소득세 | Transfer Income Tax |
양도외상매출금 | Factored Account Receivable |
양해각서 | Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) |
어업권 | Fishing Rights |
어음교환소 | Clearing House |
어음대출 | Loans with Bills |
어음법 | Bills Act / the Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Act |
어음부도율 | Bill Default Rate / the Dishonored Bill Ratio |
어음인수 | Acceptance of Bills / Underwriting of Bills |
어음할인 | Bill Discounting |
업무보고서 | Call Report / Business Report |
업무용건물 | Buildings Used for Business Purpose |
업무용고정자산 | Fixed Operational Assets / Fixed Assets Used for Business Purpose |
업무용동산 | Movables Used for Business Purpose |
업무용부동산관련분 | on Real Estate Used for Business Purpose |
업무용부동산임대수입보증금 | Deposits for Leased Asset for Business |
업무용부동산취득관련분 | Suspense Receivable on Real Estate Used for Business Purpose |
업무용토지 | Lands Used for Business Purpose |
업무이익 | Operating Income |
업무집행정지 | Suspension from Exercise of Office / Suspension from All Duties |
업종별 | Business Segment |
업종별회계처리기준 | Accounting Standards by Industry |
에너지이용합리화기금차입금 | Long-term Borrowings from Energy Usage Rationalization Fund |
에너지이용합리화시설자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Facilities from Energy Usage Rationalization Fund |
에너지이용합리화운전자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Working Capital from Energy Usage Rationalization Fund |
여성특별위원회(정부) | the Presidential Commission on Woman’s Affairs |
여신관리자금 | Deposits for Credit Control |
여신관리자금이자 | Interest on Credit Control Deposits |
여신사후관리 | Loan Administration |
여신성가지급금 | Suspense Receivable as Credit |
여신승인절차 | Credit Approval Process |
여신심사 | Credit Review |
여신위원회제도 | Credit Committee System |
여신을회수하다 | Recall Loans |
여신전문금융업법 | the Specialized Credit Financial Business Act |
여신전문금융회사 | Financial Companies Specializing in Loan Business |
여신포트폴리오 | Loan Portfolios |
여신회수 | Loan Collection |
여행자수표 | Traveler’s Check |
역관계에있다 | A is Inversely Related to B |
역외CP발행액 | Offshore CP Issuance Outstanding |
역외CP발행차금 | Discount on Offshore CP Issuance |
역외금융 | Off-shore Banking |
역외금융기관대출금 | Off-Shore Loans in Banks |
역외금융기관예수금 | Off-Shore Deposits from Financial Institutions |
역외금융팀 | Offshore Finance Team |
역외기타투자증권 | Investments in Other Offshore Securities |
역외단기대출금 | Short-term Offshore Loans |
역외단기차입금 | Short-term Offshore Borrowings |
역외대출 | Offshore Loans |
역외발행금융채권 | Off-Shore Financial Debentures Issued |
역외상품유가증권 | Off-Shore Trading Securities |
역외영향력적용(M&A) | Extraterritorial Application |
역외예치금 | Due from Offshore Banks |
역외외화금융기관예치금 | Off-Shore Due from Financial Institutions in Foreign Currency |
역외외화대출금 | Off-Shore Loans in Foreign Currency |
역외외화본지점 | Off-Shore Inter-Office Account in Foreign Currency |
역외외화예수금 | Off-Shore Deposits in Foreign Currency |
역외외화예치금 | Off-Shore Due from Banks in Foreign Currency |
역외외화증권 | Off-Shore Securities |
역외외화차입금 | Off-Shore Borrowings in Foreign Currency |
역외유가증권 | Offshore Securities |
역외유가증권평가충당금 | Allowances for Unrealized Loss on Offshore Marketable Securities |
역외장기대출금 | Long-term Offshore Loans |
역외장기차입금 | Long-term Offshore Borrowings |
역외주식 | Offshore Stocks |
역외채권 | Offshore Bonds |
역외투자유가증권 | Off-Shore Investment Securities |
역외투자유가증권평가충당금 | Allowances for Unrealized Loss on Offshore Investment Securities |
역외투자주식 | Investments in Offshore Stocks |
역외투자채권 | Investments in Offshore Bonds |
연 | Per Annum |
연간매출액을초과하는부채 | Debt in Excess of Annual Sales |
연결BIS자본비율 | Consolidated BIS Capital Ratio |
연결감독원칙 | Principle of Consolidated Supervision |
연결대상자회사주식 | Consolidated Subsidiary Stock |
연결재무제표 | Consolidated Financial Statements |
연결조정대 | Consolidation Adjustment Credit |
연결조정대환입 | Reversal of Consolidation Adjustment Credit |
연공서열제도 | Seniority-based System |
연구개발비 | Research and Development Costs |
연구개발비상각 | Amortization of Research and Development Costs |
연금 | Annuity |
연금의복리이자요소 | Compound Value Interest Factor for an Annuity (CVIFA) |
연금의현가 | Present Value of Annuity |
연금의현가이자요소 | Present Value Interest Factor for an Annuity (PVIFA) |
연기금 | Pension Funds |
연방예금보험공사(미국) | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) |
연방자금금리(미국) | Federal Fund Rate |
연방준비은행(미국) | Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) |
연불구입 | Purchase (Acquisition) on a Deferred Payment Basis |
연장 | Extension |
연체 | Arrears |
연체대출금 | Credit Arrears / Overdue Credits |
연체배당금 | Dividends in Arrears |
연체이자율 | Default Interest Rate |
연체중인대출 | Loans that are in arrears (overdue) |
연체회수 | Arrears Collection |
영구연금 | Perpetuity |
영구채 | Perpetual Notes |
영리법인 | Profit-Making Corporation / For-Profit Corporation |
영세민전세자금차입금 | Borrowings from Fund for Lease for Low-Income Households |
영업권 | Goodwill |
영업보증금 | Business Guarantee Deposits |
영업비용 | Costs and Expenses |
영업손실 | Operating Losses |
영업손익 | Operating Income (Loss) |
영업수익 | Revenues |
영업순환주기 | Normal Operating Cycle |
영업양도 | Business Transfer |
영업외비용 | Non-operating Expense |
영업외수익 | Non-operating Income |
영업용순자본비율 | Net Working Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio |
영업위험 | Operational Risk / Business Risk |
영업일 | Business Day |
영업정지 | Business Suspension |
영업추진부 | Business Promotion Department |
영업추진역 | Marketing Officer |
영업활동으로인한현금흐름 | Cashflow from Operating Activities |
예(수)금 | Deposits |
예(수)금기반 | Deposit Base |
예금구성 | Deposit Breakdown |
예금보험공사 | Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC) |
예금보험기금채권 | Deposit Insurance Fund Bonds |
예금은행 | Banking Institutions |
예금은행차입금 | Borrowings from Banking Institutions |
예금을중도에해지하다 | Cancel Deposit Before Maturity |
예금인출사태 | Bank-run / A Run on a Bank |
예금자 | Depositors |
예금자보호법 | Depositor Protection Act |
예금자보호법 | the Depositor Protection Act |
예금자표 | Depositor List |
예금지급불능 | Deposit Payment Insolvency / Withdrawal Insolvency / Inability to Pay Deposits |
예금집단인출(파산,공황시) | A Bank Run |
예대마진 | Deposit-Loan Spread / Interest Rate Margins Between Deposits and Loans / Net Interest Margin |
예대율 | Loans to Deposits Ratio |
예산출연금 / 출연금 | Contribution (to Budget) |
예산청(정부) | the Office of National Budget |
예수금기반 | Deposit Base |
예수금이자 | Interest on Deposits |
예약매출 | Subscription Sales |
예치금 | Due from Banks |
예치환거래은행 | Depositary Correspondent Bank |
옵션거래손실 | Losses on Trading of Options |
옵션수수료 | Option Premium |
옵션수입프레미엄 | Options Premium Received |
옵션지급프레미엄 | Options Premium Paid |
완구 | Toys |
완전고용 | Full Employment |
완전분할(M&A) | Split-ups |
완전희석화주당순이익 | Fully Diluted Earning Per Share |
외교통상부(정부) | the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
외국금융기관과의제휴 | Affiliation with Foreign Financial Institutions |
외국기업 | Foreign Enterprises |
외국인 1인당 투자한도 | Individual Ceiling on Foreign Investment |
외국인 전체 투자한도 | Aggregate Ceiling on Foreign Investment |
외국인1인당투자한도 | Individual Ceiling on Foreign Investment |
외국인전체투자한도 | Aggregate Ceiling on Foreign Investment |
외국인주식투자한도 | Ceiling on Foreign Equity Investment |
외국인투자 및 외자도입에 관한 법률 | Act on Investment by Foreigners and Foreign Capital Inducement |
외국인투자및외자도입에관한법률 (시행령) | the Foreign Investment and Foreign Capital Inducement Act (& Its Enforcement Decree) |
외국자본 | Foreign Capital |
외국자본유치 | Inducement of Foreign Capital |
외국증권 | Foreign Securities |
외국통화 | Foreign Currency |
외국환 | Foreign Exchange |
외국환 평형기금 | Foreign Exchange Stabilization Fund |
외국환 평형기금채권 | Foreign Exchange Stabilization Fund Bonds |
외국환관리법 | Foreign Exchange Management Act / the Foreign Exchange Control Act |
외국환규제 | Foreign Exchange Control |
외국환업무 | Foreign Exchange Transaction |
외국환은행 | Foreign Exchange Bank |
외국환평형기금 | Foreign Currency Stabilization Fund |
외국환평형기금예치금 | Due from Foreign Exchange Equalization (Stabilization) Fund |
외국환평형기금채권 | Foreign Exchange Equalization Fund (Stabilizaition) Bonds |
외부감사 | External Audit |
외부감사인 | External Auditor |
외부경제 | Positive Externality |
외부불경제 | Negative Externality |
외부주주지분 | Outside Shareholders’ Equity |
외상매입금 | Trade Accounts Payable |
외상매출금 | Trade Accounts Receivables |
외상채권대출 | Factoring Loans |
외상채권매입 | Factoring Receivables |
외상채권미지급금 | Factoring Payables |
외자관리과(재경부) | Foreign Capital Management Division |
외재가치 | Extrinsic Value |
외채상환비율 | Debt Service Ratio (DSR) |
외화가수금 | Suspense Payable in Foreign Currency |
외화가지급금 | Suspense Receivables in Foreign Currency |
외화기타단기지급보증 | Other Short-term Acceptance and Guarantee in Foreign Currency |
외화기타단기지급보증대충 | Other Short-term Customers’ Liabilities in Foreign Currency |
외화기타장기지급보증 | Other Long-term Guarantees in Foreign Currency |
외화기타장기지급보증대충 | Other Long-term Customers’ Liabilities in Foreign Currency |
외화기타투자증권 | Investments in Other Foreign Securities |
외화단기지급보증 | Short-term Acceptance and Guarantee in Foreign Currency |
외화단기지급보증대충 | Short-term Customers’ Liabilities in Foreign Currency |
외화단기차입금 | Short-term Borrowings in Foreign Currency |
외화당좌예금 | Checking Accounts in Foreign Currency |
외화대출금 | Loans in Foreign Currency / Foreign Currency Denominated Loans |
외화대출금이자 | Interest on Foreign Currency Loans |
외화로표시된 | Denominated in Foreign Currency |
외화발행금융채권 | Finance Debentures Issued in Foreign Currency |
외화별단예금 | Temporary Deposits in Foreign Currency |
외화보증대지급금 | Guarantee Payments in Foreign Currency |
외화보통예금 | Passbook Accounts in Foreign Currency |
외화본지점 | Inter-office Account in Foreign Currency |
외화부채조정계정 | Deferred Foreign Exchange Losses |
외화부채총계 | Total Foreign Liabilities |
외화상품유가증권 | Trading Securities in Foreign Currency |
외화수탁금 | Borrowings from BOK in Foreign Currency |
외화수탁금이자 | Interest on Borrowings from BOK in Foreign Currency |
외화예(수)금 | Foreign Currency Deposits |
외화예수금 | Deposits in Foreign Currency / Foreign Currency Denominated Deposits |
외화예치금 | Due from Banks in Foreign Currency |
외화외상채권매입 | Factoring Receivables in Foreign Currency |
외화운용팀 | International Treasury Team |
외화유가증권 | Foreign Currency Securities / Marketable Securities in Foreign Currency |
외화유가증권평가충당금 | Allowances for Unrealized Loss on Marketable Securities in Foreign Currency |
외화은행차입기타 | Borrowings from Other Banks in Foreign Currency |
외화일반중장기대출(시설) | Long-term Foreign Currency Loans for Facilities |
외화일반중장기대출(운전) | Long-term Foreign Currency Loans for General Purpose Working Capital |
외화자금과(재경부) | Foreign Exchange Division |
외화자산총계 | Total Foreign Assets |
외화장기지급보증 | Long-term Guarantees and Acceptances in Foreign Currency |
외화장기지급보증대충 | Long-term Customers’ Liabilities on Guarantees and Acceptances in Foreign Currency |
외화정기예금 | Time Deposits in Foreign Currency |
외화정기예치금 | Due from Banks on Time in Foreign Currency |
외화주식 | Foreign Stocks |
외화지급보증 | Acceptances & Guarantees in Foreign Currency / Acceptances and Guarantees Outstanding in Foreign Currency |
외화지급보증대지급금 | Advances for Customers in Foreign Currency |
외화지급보증대충 | Contra Account of Acceptances and Guarantees in Foreign Currency |
외화지보대지급금 | Foreign Currency Denominated Advances for Customers on Guarantees |
외화직불카드채무 | Debit Card in Foreign Currency |
외화차입금 | Borrowings in Foreign Currency |
외화차입금이자 | Interest on Foreign Currency Borrowings |
외화채권 | Foreign Bonds |
외화콜론 | Call Loans in Foreign Currency |
외화콜머니 | Call Money in Foreign Currency / Foreign Currency Denominated Call Money |
외화타점대 | Overdrafts on Their Account |
외화타점예치금 | Due from Banks on Demand in Foreign Currency |
외화타점차 | Overdraft on Our Account |
외화통지예금 | Notice Deposits in Foreign Currency |
외화투자유가증권 | Investment Securities in Foreign Currency |
외화투자유가증권평가충당금 | Allowances for Unrealized Loss on Investment Securities in Foreign Currency |
외화투자주식 | Investment in Foreign Stocks |
외화투자채권 | Investments in Foreign Bonds |
외화특별중장기대출 | Long-term Foreign Currency Loans for Special Purpose |
외화평가조정금 | Foreign Exchange Adjustment Account |
외화표시 | Foreign Currency Denominated |
외화표시시설자금 | Procurement Fund of Domestic Machinery Expressed in Foreign Currency |
외화표시자산 | Foreign Currency Denominated Assets |
외화환산손실 | Loss on Foreign Exchange Translation |
외화환산이익 | Gain on Foreign Exchange Translations |
외화회계팀 | International Operations Team |
외환관리법 | Foreign Exchange Management Law |
외환매매익 | Gain on Foreign Exchange |
외환보유고 | Foreign Exchange Reserves / Foreign Reserve |
외환시장 | Foreign Exchange Market |
외환업무실 | Trade Finance Office |
외환유동성경색 | Foreign Exchange Liquidity Crunch |
외환유동성애로 | Tightened Foreign Exchange Liquidity |
외환이익대매출비율 | Net FX Gains to Sales |
외환차손 | Loss on Foreign Currency Transactions |
외환차익 | Gain on Foreign Currency Transactions |
요구불예금 | Demand Deposits |
요구수익율 | Required Rate of Return |
요주의 | Special Mention or Precautionary |
요주의 여신 | Precautionary(or Special Mention) Loan |
용도품 | Expenditures |
용역의제공 | Rendering Service |
우리사주조합 | Employee Stock Ownership Association |
우발채무 | Contingent Liabilities |
우선주 | Preferred Stock |
우편저축 | Postal Savings |
우편환 | Mail Transfer |
우호적매수(M&A) | Friendly Acquisition |
운송업 | Transportation |
운영메커니즘 | Steering Pattern |
운용유가증권신탁 | Trading Securities Trust |
운용의효율성 | Operational Efficiency |
운전급부금 | Remunerations on Mutual Installment Savings |
운전자금 | Working Capital |
운전자금대출 | Working Capital Loans |
원가산정액수수료계약 | Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee Contract |
원가주의회계 | Historical Cost Accounting |
원가차손 | Unfavorable Cost Variances |
원가차액 | Cost Variances |
원가차익 | Favorable Cost Variances |
원달러환율 | Won-dollar Exchange Rate |
원본보존(이익보족)신탁 | Fixed-return Trust Products (Guaranteed Trust Products) |
원유 | Crude Oil |
원자재 | Raw Materials |
원장 | Ledger |
원재료 | Raw Materials |
원천징수세 | Withholding Taxes |
원화단기대출금 | Short-term Loans and Discounts in Won |
원화대출금 | Loans in Won / Won-Denominated Loans / Loans & Discounts in Won |
원화대출금이자 | Interest on Won Currency Loans |
원화발행금융채권 | Finance Debentures in Won |
원화보증대지급금 | Guarantee Payments in Won |
원화본지점 | Inter-Office Account in Won |
원화상품유가증권 | Trading Securities in Won |
원화수출환어음매입 | Exporting Bills Bought in Won |
원화예수금 | Deposits in Won / Won-Denominated Deposits |
원화예치금 | Due from Banks in Won |
원화외상채권매입 | Factoring Receivables in Won |
원화유가증권 | Domestic Securities |
원화유가증권평가충당금 | Allowances for Unrealized Loss on Marketable Securities in Won |
원화장기지급보증 | Long-term Guarantees and Acceptances in Won |
원화장기지급보증대충 | Long-term Customers’ Liabilities on Guarantees and Acceptances in Won |
원화지급보증 | Acceptances & Guarantees in Won / Acceptances and Guarantees Outstanding in Won |
원화지급보증대지급금 | Advances for Customers in Won |
원화지급보증대충 | Contra Account of Acceptances and Guarantees in Won |
원화지보대지급금 | Won-Denominated Advances for Customers on Guarantees |
원화직불카드채무 | Debit Card in Won |
원화차입금 | Borrowings in Won |
원화차입금이자 | Interest on Won Currency Borrowings |
원화채권발행전용비거주자원화예금 | Non-Resident Deposits for Bonds Issued in Won |
원화콜론 | Call Loans in Won |
원화콜머니 | Call Money in Won / Won Denominated Call Money |
원화투자유가증권 | Investment Securities in Won |
원화투자유가증권평가충당금 | Allowances for Unrealized Loss on Investment Securities in Won |
원화표시 | Won Denominated |
원화표시자산 | Won-denominated Assets |
원화환어음매입 | Bills Bought in Won |
월세 | Monthly Rental Payment |
위임장경쟁(M&A) | Proxy Contest (Fight) |
위조 | Forgery |
위탁검사 | Examination entrusted by Government / Entrusted Examination |
위탁매출 | Consignment Sales |
위험가중자산 | Risk-weighted Assets / Risk Adjusted Assets |
위험가중치 | Risk Weighting Ratio |
위험관리 | Risk Management |
위험관리시스템 | Risk Management System |
위험분산 | Risk Diversification |
위험선호형 | Risk Lover |
위험중립형 | Risk Neutral |
위험회피형 | Risk Averter |
유가증권 | Marketable Securities |
유가증권담보대출 | Loans on Securities Collateral |
유가증권매매손 | Loss from Security Transactions |
유가증권매매익 | Gain on Security Transactions |
유가증권명세서 | Schedule of Marketable Securities |
유가증권신탁 | Securities Trusts |
유가증권의모집 | Arranging for Subscription of Securities |
유가증권의평가 | Valuation of Marketable Securities |
유가증권이자 | Interest on Securities |
유가증권처분손실 | Loss on Disposition of Marketable Securities |
유가증권처분이익 | Gain on Disposition of Marketable Securities |
유가증권청약증거금 | Guarantee Deposits for Securities Subscription |
유가증권평가손 | Loss from Marketable Securities and Equity Investment Valuation |
유가증권평가충당금 | Provision for Valuation Losses on Securities Investment / Allowance for Valuation of Securities |
유가증권포트폴리오 | Securities Portfolios |
유동부채 | Current Liabilities |
유동비율 | Current Ratio |
유동성 | Liquidity |
유동성,비유동성법 | Current-noncurrent Method |
유동성경색 | Liquidity Crunch |
유동성공급자 | Liquidity Providers |
유동성대출금 | Loans due within one year |
유동성대출금및사채인수 | Loans & Investments Due Within One Year |
유동성미지급장은채이자 | Accrued Interests of Long-term Bank Debentures Due Within One Year |
유동성배열법 | Current Arrangement |
유동성배열법으로 | In the Order of Liquidity |
유동성사채인수 | Private Placement Bonds Due Within One Year |
유동성상황 | Liquidity Position |
유동성역외대출금 | Offshore Loans Due Within One Year |
유동성역외차입금 | Long-term Offshore Borrowings Due Within One Year |
유동성완충장치 | Liquidity Cushion |
유동성외화대출금 | Foreign Currency Loans Due Within One Year |
유동성외화차입금 | Long-term Borrowings in Foreign Currency Due Within One Year |
유동성원화대출금 | Won Loans Due Within One Year |
유동성원화차입금 | Long-term Won Borrowings Due Within One Year |
유동성위험 | Liquidity Risk |
유동성을공급하다 | Supply (Boost) Liquidity |
유동성자산 | Current Assets |
유동성장기부채 | Current Portion of Long-term Debt |
유동성장세(주식시장) | Liquidity Driven Market |
유동성장은채및차입금 | Long-term Bank Debentures & Borrowings Due Within One Year |
유동성장은채발행액 | Long-term Bank Debentures Issuance Outstanding Due Within One Year |
유동성장은채발행차금 | Discount of Long-term Bank Debentures Due Within One Year |
유보율 | Reserve Ratio |
유상증자 | Issue of New Shares for Consideration / Capital Increase / Rights Offering |
유예기간 | Grace Period |
유입(담보물건을) | Repossession (Repossess) |
유질처분 | Foreclosure |
유질처분하다. | Foreclose |
유통CD | CD in Circulation |
유통복지과(재경부) | Welfare & Distribution Division |
유통시장 | Secondary Market |
유한회사 | Limited Companies |
유형고정자산 | Property, Plant and Equipment (Tangible Fixed Assets) |
유형고정자산명세서 | Schedule of Tangjble Fixed Assets |
유형자산 | Tangible Assets / Property and Equipment |
유형자산의처분 | Disposal of Property and Equipment |
유형자산의취득 | Acquisition of Property and Equipment |
유효이자법 | Effective Interest Method |
유효이자율법 | the Effective Interest Rate Method |
육영신탁 | Trust for Education |
융자담보지급보증 | Guarnatees for Loans |
융자담보지급보증대지급금 | Advances for Customers on Guarantees for Loans |
융자담보지급보증대충 | Contra Account of Acceptances and Guarantees for Loans Collateral |
융통어음 | Financial Bills or Accommodation Bills |
융통어음(공어음) | Accommodation Bill |
은감원 | Office of Bank Supervision |
은감원기준 | OBS Criteria (Guidelines) or BSA (Banking Supervisory Authority) Criteria |
은감위 | Banking Supervisory Authority (BSA) |
은행B/S에서부실여신을떨다 | Clean Up Non-performing Loans From the Bank Balance Sheets |
은행간교차차입금 | Inter-Banks Cross Borrowings |
은행간대여금 | Interbank Loans |
은행간시장 | Inter-bank Market |
은행간외화대여금 | Interbank Loans in Foreign Currency |
은행간조정자금 | Inter-Banks Reconciliation Funds |
은행감독및검사 | Bank Supervision and Examination |
은행감독원 | Office of Bank Supervision /Bank Supervisory Board |
은행감독원 부원장 | Deputy Superintendent of the OBS(or BSB) |
은행감독원 부원장보 | Assistant Superintendent of the OBS(or Bank Supervisory Board) |
은행감독원장 | Superintendent of the Office of Bank Supervision (or Bank Supervisory Board) |
은행계정 | Bank Account |
은행계정대 | Due from Banking Account |
은행관리 | Bank Receivership |
은행법 | the General Banking Act |
은행법 시행령 | Enforcement Decree of the General Banking Act |
은행법15-2의지급보증 | Contra Account of Acceptances and Guarantees on General Banking Act 15-2 |
은행보증 | Bank Guarantee |
은행분야구조조정 | Banking Sector Restructuring |
은행신탁계정차 | Borrowings from Bank’s Own Trust Accounts |
은행연합회 | Korea Federation of Banks |
은행예치금 | Due from Banks |
은행인수 | Bank Acceptance |
은행인수대충 | Customers’ Liabilities on Bank Acceptance |
은행인수어음 | Bankers’ Acceptance (BA) |
은행장 | President & Chief Executive Officer |
은행제도과(재경부) | Banking System Division |
은행지주회사 | Bank Holding Company |
은행평가위원회 | the Bank Appraisal Committee |
을기금 | Capital B Funds (Supplementary Funds) |
의결권주 | Voting Stock (Shares) |
의류 | Apparel |
의무지준율 | the Required Reserve Ratio |
의장권 | Design Rights |
의장법 | the Design Act |
의제배당 | Fictitious Dividend |
의향서 | Letter of Intent |
이동평균 | Moving Average |
이동평균법 | the Moving-average Method |
이사 | (Executive) Director |
이사회 | Board of Directors |
이사회의사록 | The Minutes of BOD (Board of Directors) |
이연계정 | Deferred Account |
이연법인세부채 | Deferred Income Tax Credits |
이연법인세자산 | Deferred Income Tax Debits |
이연자산 | Deferred Charges |
이연자산명세서 | Schedule of Deferred Charges |
이연자산의평가 | Valuation of Deferred Charges |
이연자산증가 | Increase in Deferred Charges |
이월결손금 | Undisposed Deficit |
이월시산표(마감후시산표) | Post-closing Trial Balance |
이월이익잉여금 | Profit Carried over from Prior Year / Unappropriated Retained Earnings Carried Over to Subsequent Year |
이익극대화 | Profit Maximization |
이익금 | Net Income for the Period |
이익잉여금 | Earned Surplus / Retained Earnings |
이익잉여금처분계산서 | Statements of Appropriations of Retained Earnings |
이익잉여금처분액 | Appropriations |
이익준비금 | Legal Reserve |
이익참가사채 | Participating Bond |
이자율변동및예측 | Interest Rate Movements and Forecasts |
이중감시원칙 | Four Eyes Principle / Dual Check Principle |
이표채 | Coupon Debentures |
이표채발행차금 | Discounts of Coupon Debentures |
이해관계인 | Interested Party |
이해관계자 | Stakeholders |
이해상충 | Conflicts of Interest |
이행보증 | Performance Bond |
인가(면허)취소 | Revocation of Authorization(or License) |
인감 | Seal |
인구의노령화 | the Aging of the Population |
인구통계학적요소 | Demographic Factors |
인력 | Work Force |
인력감축 | Staff Reduction |
인력개발과(재경부) | Human Resources Policy Division |
인력개발팀 | Human Resource Development Team |
인력정책 | Human Resources Policy |
인사과 | Personnel Section |
인수 | 외환Acceptance유가증권Underwriting |
인수관계대지급금 | Advances for Customers on Acceptance for L/C or Import Usance Bills |
인수대충 | Contra Account of Acceptances for L/C |
인수수수료 | Underwriting Fee |
인수은행 | the Acquiring Bank |
인수팀(M&A) | Acquisition Team |
인적자본 | Human Capital |
인터넷뱅킹 | Internet Banking |
인프라프로젝트 | Infra-structure Projects |
일반경제환경 | General Economic Environment |
일반관리비등 | General and Administrative Expenses |
일반불특정금전신탁 | General Unspecific Money Trust |
일반사채 | General Debentures |
일반사채인수 | Private Placement from General Resources |
일반시설자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Facilities from General Resources |
일반시장금리 | Prevailing Market Interest Rate |
일반자금대출 | Loans from General Resources |
일반장기운전대출 | Long-term Loans for Working Capital from General Resources |
일반적상거래 | Ordinary Bisiness Transaction |
일반제조업 | General Manufacturing |
일반차입금 | Borrowings from Other Banks |
일반투자부동산 | Real Estate not Used for Business Purpose |
일반회계원칙 | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP) |
일시대손상각 | One-time Write-off |
일시자금 | Temporary Money |
일인당GDP | GDP Per Capita |
일인당GNP | Per Capita GNP |
일주당Cashflow | Cashflow Per Share |
일주당매출액 | Sales Per Share |
일주당순이익 | Earnings Per Share |
일주당순자산 | Book Value per Share |
일평균거래량(주식) | Daily Average Trading Volume |
임기 | Term of Office |
임대보증금 | Guarantee Money Received |
임대인 | Lessor |
임시수입부가세법 | the Provisional Import Surtax Act |
임야 | Forests |
임의적립금 | Voluntary (Discretionary) Reserves |
임의적립금등의이입액 | Transfers from Voluntary Reserves |
임점검사 | On-site Examination |
임차보증금 | Leasehold Deposits |
임차인 | Lessee |
임차점포시설물 | Structures in Leased Office Used for Business Purpose |
입목 | Trees |
잉여금명세서 | Schedule of Retained Earnings |
잉여자금 | Surplus Funds |
금융단어 | Financial Terms |
자격요건 | Qualification Requirements |
자구계획 | Self-rescue (Self-Rehabilitation) Plan |
자구노력(계획) | Self-rescue Efforts(plan) |
자금결제지시 | Debit (Reimbursement) Authorization |
자금세탁 | Money Laundering |
자금조달 | Fund-raising / Financing |
자금증권부 | Treasury & Securities Business Department |
자금팀 | Treasury Team |
자기사채 | Treasury Debentures |
자기신용대주대충 | Contra Account to Stock Loans on Margin Account |
자기앞수표 | Cashier’s Check / Bank Draft |
자기자본(납입자본+준비금+잉여금) | Equity Capital (Paid-in Capital + Reserves + Retained Surplus) |
자기자본비율 | Equity Ratio |
자기자본순이익율 | Return on Equity |
자기자본의20배 | 20 Times KLB’s Equity Capital (당행의제법정비율관련) |
자기자본이익률 | Return on Equity |
자기자본조정 | Equity Capital Adjustment / Change in Equity Capital / Capital Adjustment |
자기자본증가율 | Shareholders’ Equity Growth |
자기자본회전율 | Equity Turnover (Times) |
자기주식(자사주식) | Treasury Stock |
자기주식처분이익 | Gain on Sale of Treasury Stock |
자동차 | Automobiles |
자본거래 | Capital Transactions |
자본계정(국제수지) | Capital Account |
자본구조 | Capital Structure |
자본금 | Capital |
자본금(자기자본) | Shareholders’ Equity or Capital Stocks or Equity Capital |
자본금이불충분한은행 | Undercapitalized Banks (BIS비율이낮은은행) |
자본도피 | Capital Flight |
자본비용 | Cost of Capital |
자본손실 | Capital Loss |
자본수지 | Balance of Capital Account |
자본시장 | Capital Market |
자본시장육성에 관한 법률 | Act Relating to Capital Market Support |
자본시장육성에관한법률 | the Act Relating to Capital Market Support |
자본의잠식 | Erosion of Capital |
자본이득 | Capital Gain |
자본잉여금 | Capital Surplus / Additional Paid-in Capital |
자본재 | Capital Goods, |
자본재구성 | Recapitalization |
자본재충실화 | Recapitalization |
자본적정성 | Capital Adequacy |
자본적지출 | Capital Expenditure |
자본조정 | Capital Adjustment |
자본준비금 | Capital Reserve |
자본집약적산업 | Capital Intensive Industry |
자본참여 | Capital Injection (Equity Participation) |
자본총계 | Total Stockholder’s Equity |
자사주(금고주) | Treasury Stock |
자산,부채를양도하다 | Transfer Assets and Liabilities |
자산가치하락 | Asset Deflation |
자산거품 | Asset Bubble |
자산건전성분류 | Asset Quality Classification |
자산건전성악화 | Asset Quality Deterioration |
자산담보증권 | Asset-backed Securities |
자산매각손 | Loss on Disposition of Assets |
자산매수(M&A) | Acquisitions of Asset |
자산부채관리 | Asset-Liability Management |
자산부채관리위원회 | Asset and Liability Management Committee (ALCO) |
자산부채만기구조 | Asset-Liability Maturity Structure |
자산분류 | Asset Classification |
자산수증이익 | Gain from Assets Contributed |
자산실사 | Assets and Liabilities Inspection |
자산을축소하다 | Shrink Assets |
자산의건전정 | Asset Quality |
자산재배치(M&A) | Asset Redeployment |
자산재평가 | Asset Revaluation |
자산재평가(익) | Asset Revaluation (Surplus) |
자산재평가법 | the Assets Revaluation Act |
자산처분미수금 | Account Receivable on Disposition of Assets |
자산처분미실현손 | Unrealized Losses on Disposition of Fixed Assets |
자산처분미실현익 | Unrealized Gain on Disposition of Fixed Assets |
자산초과부채분보전 | Compensation of Liabilities in Excess of Assets |
자산총계 | Total Assets |
자산회전율 | Asset Turnover |
자선신탁 | Trust for Charity |
자영업 | Self-Managed Companies |
자유방임정책 | Laissez-faire (Hands-off) Policy |
자유원당좌대출 | Overdrafts in Free-Won |
자유원본지점 | Inter-Office Account in Free-Won |
자유저축예금 | Savings Accounts with Free Withdrawal Option |
자유화(자유화하다) | Liberalization (Liberalize) |
자율규제기구 | Self-Regulatory Organization |
자체정상화은행 | Self Normalizing Banks |
자회사 | Subsidiaries |
잔액인수 | Stand-by Underwriting |
잔존가액 | Salvage Value or Residual Value |
잠재적부실여신 | Potential NPL (Non-Performing Loans) |
잡계정(신탁) | Other Trust Accounts |
잡부채 | Other Liabilities |
잡자산 | Other Assets |
잡종지 | Land Used for Other Purposes |
잡채권 | Sundry Account Receivable |
장기금융시장 | Capital Market |
장기대여금 | Long-term Loans |
장기성받을어음 | Long-term Notes Receivable |
장기성예금 | Long-term Bank Deposits |
장기성지급어음 | Long-term Notes Payable |
장기신용은행 | Korea Long Term Credit Bank |
장기신용은행법 | the Long Term Credit Bank Law |
장기신용채권 | Long-term Bank Debentures |
장기신용채권이자 | Interest on Long-term Bank Debentures |
장기운전자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Working Capital |
장기주택마련저축 | Long Term Savings Deposits for Housing |
장기지급보증 | Long-term Acceptance Outstanding |
장기차입금 | Long Term Borrowings |
장기차입금명세서 | Schedule of Long-term Borrowings |
장부가 | Book Value |
장은경제연구소 | KLB Economic Research Institute Co., Ltd. |
장은렌탈 | KLB Rental Co., Ltd. |
장은선물 | KLB Futures Co., Ltd. |
장은신용카드 | KLB Credit Card Corp., Ltd. |
장은증권 | KLB Securities |
장은창업투자 | KLB Investment Co., Ltd. |
장은채담보대출 | Loans to Households Pledged on Long Term Bank Debentures |
장은채매출예약금 | Deposits Received for Reservation of Long-term Bank Debentures |
장은채발행액 | Long-term Bank Debentures Issuance Outstanding |
장은채발행차금 | Discounts of Long-term Bank Debentures |
장은투자신탁운용 | KLB Investment Trust Management Co., Ltd. |
장은할부금융 | KLB Finance Co., Ltd. |
재경부장관(재경부) | Minister of Finance and Economy |
재경부차관(재경부) | Vice Minister |
재경원장관 | Minister of Finance and Economy |
재고자산 | Inventory |
재고자산감모손실 | Loss on Inventory Obsolescence |
재고자산명세서 | Schedule of Inventory |
재고자산의평가 | Valuation of Inventory |
재고자산평가손실 | Loss on Valuation of Inventories |
재고투자 | Inventory Investments |
재공품계정 | Work in Process (Goods in Process Account) |
재단저당대출 | Loans on Integrated Property Collateral |
재료비 | Material (Cost) |
재무공학 | Financial Engineering |
재무구조 | Financial Structure |
재무구조개선계획 | Financial Structure Improvement Plan |
재무대리인 | Fiscal Agent |
재무레버리지효과 | Financial Leverage Effect |
재무부(미국) | the Department of the Treasury |
재무부증권(미국) | Treasury Securities (Bills (단기1년이하), Notes (중기2 |
재무비율분석 | Financial Ratio Analysis |
재무상태변동표 | Statement of Changes in Financial Position |
재무위험 | Financial Risk |
재무자료인쇄인 | Financial Printers |
재무제표 | Financial Statements |
재무활동으로인한현금흐름 | Cashflow from Financing Activities |
재무회계 | Financial Accounting |
재무회계기준심의회(미) | Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) |
재벌 | Conglomerates |
재산보전처분 | Preservation of Assets Order |
재산보전처분 (채무동결조치) | Preservation of Assets Order / Order Suspending the Payment of Liabilities |
재산세제과(재경부) | Property Tax Division |
재산소비세심의관(재경부) | Director General for Property, Consumption & International Tax Affairs |
재정거래 | Arbitrage |
재정경제부 | The Ministry of Finance and Economy |
재정융자과(재경부) | Fiscal Loan Division |
재정자금대출금 | Loans from Government Funds |
재정자금차입금 | Borrowings from Government Funds |
재정정책 | Fiscal Policy |
재정증권 | Treasury Bills |
재정차관전대차입금 | Borrowings from Foreign Loans on Government |
재평가액 | Revaluation Amounts |
재평가적립금 | Revaluation Reserves / Asset Revaluation Surplus |
재평가차액 | Revaluation Increment |
재할인어음 | Bills Rediscounted |
재할인율 | Rediscount Rate |
재할인한도 | Rediscount Ceiling |
재해손실 | Casualty Losses |
재형자금급부금 | Remunerations on Mutual Installment Savings for Property Formation |
재형저축자금대출금 | Loans on Property Formation Savings |
재형저축장려금기금대리점 | Subsidy Funds Agency for Worker’s Property Formation Savings |
저가기준 | the Lower of Cost or Market Rule |
저가기준평가법 | Lower-of-Cost-or-Market Method |
저당권 | Mortgage / Hypothec |
저당권이설정된자산 | the Pledged Assets |
저비용자금조달 | Low-cost Funding |
저성장산업 | Slow Growth Industry |
저수익사업 | Low-Profit Businesses |
저작권(판권) | Copyrights |
저장품 | Supplies |
저축기관 | Savings Institutions |
저축성예금 | Time & Savings Deposits |
저축예금 | Savings Deposits |
저평가유가증권 | Undervalued Securities |
저항선(주식) | Resistance Level |
적극적적립금 | Positive Reserves |
적금 | Installment Savings |
적금관계대출 | Loans on Installment Savings |
적기시정조치 | Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) |
적대적인수(M&A) | Hostile Takeover |
적립금 | Reserves / Provisions |
적립식목적신탁(실적) | Installment Money Trust (on Performance Basis) |
적립식목적신탁(약정) | Installment Money Trust (on Commitments Basis) |
적자생존 | Survival of the Fittest |
적자예산 | Budget Deficit |
적정재고수준 | Optimal Inventory Levels |
전결(승인)권 | Approval Power |
전경련 | the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) |
전기(회계) | Posting |
전기손익 | Net Income (Loss) For The Previous Year |
전기손익수정 | Prior Period Adjustments |
전기손익수정손실 | Loss on Prior Period Adjustment |
전기손익수정이익 | Gain on Prior Period Adjustment |
전기이월 | Carried over from Prior Year |
전기이월이익잉여금 | Prior Year’s Unappropriated Retained Earnings |
전답 | Agricultural Land |
전대하다 | On-lend |
전략적합치성 | Strategic Fit |
전략제휴팀 | Strategic Planning Team |
전량매입후상장폐지(M&A) | Buyout and Going Private |
전무이사 | Deputy President |
전문은행제도 | Specialized Banking System |
전산역 | Systems Administration Officer |
전세권(임차보증금) | Leasehold Deposits |
전세권의신탁 | Leasehold Deposit Trust |
전세금 | Tenant Deposits |
전신암호문 | Telegraphic Test Key |
전신전화가입권 | Telephone and Telex Rights |
전신환 | Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) |
전신환매도율 | T/T Selling Rate |
전신환매입율 | T/T Buying Rate |
전염효과 | Contagion Effect / Spill-over Effect |
전입(역분개) | Reverse Entries |
전자금융 | Electronic Banking |
전자금융팀 | Electronic Banking Team |
전자자금이체 시스템 | Electronic Funds Transfer System |
전자자금이체시스템 | Electronic Funds Transfer System |
전자전기장비 | Electronics and Electrical Equipment |
전화공채 | Telephone Public Bonds |
전화및기타가입권 | Telephone and Other Subscription Rights |
전환권 | the Conversion Rights |
전환권대가 | Consideration for Conversion Rights |
전환권조정 | Reconciliation for Conversion Rights |
전환권조정계정 | Adjustment Account for Conversion Rights |
전환비율 | Conversion Ratio |
전환사채 | Convertible Bond (CB Conversion) |
전환우선주 | Convertible Preferred Stock |
절대우위 | Absolute Advantage |
점두시장 | Over-the-counter Market (OTC) |
정관 | Articles of Incorporation (and By-Laws) / The Articles of Incorporation |
정규분포 | Normal Distribution |
정기예금 | Time Deposits |
정기적금 | Installment Savings Deposits |
정기주주총회 | the Regular General Shareholders’ Meeting |
정률법(감가상각) | Declining Balance Method |
정리기입(회계) | Adjusting Entries |
정리해고 | Lay-offs (in Restructuring Process) |
정보과학과(재경부) | Information and Science Division |
정보기술 | Information Technology (IT) |
정보기획팀 | Systems Planning Team |
정보의효율성 | Informational Efficiency |
정보지원부 | Information Systems Department |
정보지원부개발팀 | Systems Development Team |
정보지원부시스템팀 | Systems & Operations Team |
정보지원부품질관리팀 | Quality Assurance Team |
정보통신부(정부) | the Ministry of Information & Communications |
정보통신진흥기금 | Information & Communication Promotion Fund |
정부대행기관 | Government Agency |
정부보증채 | Debentures Guaranteed by Government |
정부차입금 | Borrowings from Government |
정상 | Current or Normal or Performing |
정상 여신 | Normal Loans |
정상화 | Rehabilitation / Restoration of Normal Operation |
정상화계획 | Rehabilitation Plan |
정액법(감가상각) | Straight Line Method |
정유 | Petroleum Refining |
정의관계 | a Positive Relationship |
정의관계가있다 | A is Positively Related to B |
정직 | Suspension from Office |
정책금융 | Policy Loans |
정책대출 | Policy Loans |
정책심의관(재경부) | Deputy Director General for Economic Policy |
정태비율분석 | Static Financial Ratio Analysis |
제2금융권 | Non-bank Financial Institutions |
제3자경매 | Third Party Bidding |
제3자인수 | Third-party Takeover / Take-over by a Third Party |
제세공과및출연금 | Dues and Taxes |
제수입보증금 | Sundry Guarantee Money Received |
제일은행 | Korea First Bank |
제조업 | Manufacturing Business |
제조원가 | Cost of Goods Manufactured |
제조원가명세서 | Supplementary Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured |
제준비금 | Sundry Reserves |
제지 | Paper & Pulp |
제품 | Finished Goods |
조건부승인 | Conditional Approval |
조기경보시스템 | Early Warning System |
조기상환 | Early Repayment |
조기상환수수료 | Early Repayment Penalty (Compensation, Fee, Charge) |
조기시정조치 | Prompt Corrective Action |
조달재원 | Funding Sources |
조달청(정부) | the Supply Administration |
조사역 | Research Officer |
조선 | Shipbuilding |
조세감면규제법 | Tax Reduction and Exemption Control Act / the Regulation of Tax Reduction and Exemption Act |
조세정책과(재경부) | Tax Policy Division |
조세제도 | Taxation System |
조세지출예산과(재경부) | Tax Expenditures Division |
조세피난지 | Tax Heaven (원천징수가전혀없는지역) |
조정결정 | Mediation Decision |
조정자금콜론 | Call Loans for Inter-bank Adjustment Funds |
조정자금콜머니 | Call Money for Inter-bank Adjustment Funds |
조정장세(주가급등후의) | Market Consolidation |
조직구조조정 | Organizational Restructuring |
조합 | Associations |
종가 | Closing Price |
종결 | Closing |
종금사 | Merchant Banks |
종목별 외국인 투자한도 | Overall Ceiling on Foreign Investment in Any Stock / Bond Issue |
종목별외국인투자한도 | Overall Ceiling on Foreign Investment in Any Stock |
종속변수 | Dependent Variables |
종속회사 | Subsidiary Company |
종신고용 | Life-time Employment |
종업원대여금 | Loans to Employees |
종합금융채권 | Merchant Banks Finance Debentures |
종합금융회사 | Merchant Bank / Merchant Banking Corporation / Investment Bank |
종합기획부 | Planning & Coordination Department |
종합정책과(재경부) | Overall Economic Policy Division |
종합주가자수 | Composite Index |
종합주가지수 | Composite Stock Price Index(KOSPI) |
주가 | Stock Price |
주가순자산배율 | Price Book Value Ratio |
주가지수선물시장 | Stock-Index Futures Exchange |
주감독당국 | Primary Regulator |
주거래은행 | Prime(Creditor) Bank / Main Bank / Main Creditor Bank (House Bank) |
주관적확률 | Subjective Probability |
주권 | Share Certificates |
주권의병합 | Consolidation of a Share Certificate |
주권의분할 | Partition of a Share Certificate |
주권의재발급 | Re-issuance of a Share Certificate |
주당순이익 | Earnings Per Share |
주력(핵심)사업 | Core Businesses |
주민세 | Resident Tax |
주석 | Footnotes |
주세법 | the Liquor Tax Act |
주식 | Stock |
주식관련증권 | Equity-Related Securities |
주식매각(M & A) | Equity Carve Out |
주식매수(M & A) | Acquisitions of Stock |
주식매수청구권 | Claims for Stock Purchase |
주식발행비 | Stock Issue Costs |
주식발행초과금 | Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par Value or Capital Surplus |
주식배당 | Stock Dividend / Dividend Issue |
주식보유 | Holdings of Equity |
주식분할 | Stock Split |
주식예탁증서 | Depository Receipts (DR) |
주식을시가평가하여조정하다 | Mark Down (or Up) Equities (or Bonds) to Their Current Market Values |
주식투자용비거주자원화예금 | Non-Resident Deposits for Stock Investment in Won |
주식투자이익(손실) | Gains (Losses) from Stock Investment |
주식포기각서 | Written Pledge to Waive Right to Shares |
주식할인발행차금 | Discounts on Stocks Issued |
주식회사 | Corporation / Joint-Stock Companies |
주식회사의 외부감사에 관한 법률 | Act Concerning the External Audit of Corporations |
주식회사의외부감사에관한법률 | the Act on External Audit of Stock Companies |
주요영업내용 | Principal Operations |
주요제품 | Sales Breakdown |
주의적 기관경고 | Warning to Institution for Attention |
주의적기관경고 | Warning to Institution for Attention |
주주,임원,종업원장기대여금 | Loans to Stockholders, Directors and Employees |
주주구성 | Ownership Structure |
주주명부 | the Register of Shareholders |
주주명부기준일 | a Record Date of the Register of Shareholders |
주주명부의폐쇄 | Suspension of Entry in the Register of Shareholders |
주주총회 | General Meeting of Shareholders / General Shareholders’ Meeting |
주택건설신탁 | Housing Construction Trust |
주택부금(수입부금) | Mutual Installment for Housing |
주택은행 | Housing & Commercial Bank |
주택은행차입금 | Borrowings from Housing & Commercial Bank, Korea |
주택자금대출 | Loans for Housing |
주택저당대출 | Mortgage Loans |
주택채권 | Housing Bonds |
주한외국은행 | Foreign Banks in Korea |
준정부기관 | Quasi-government Entity |
중간재 | Intermediate Goods |
중간재무정보 | Interim Report |
중개인의충실의무(M&A) | Fiduciary Duty (신의성실의무) |
중고품 | Used (Secondhand) Goods |
중공업 | Heavy Industries |
중국화폐 | Renminbi (RMB) |
중대한영향 | Material Effect |
중도해지수수료 | Early Redemption Charge |
중소금융과(재경부) | Non-Bank Finance Division |
중소기업 | Small and Medium Sized Company(Enterprise) / SME |
중소기업구조개선기금 | Small and Medium Enterprise Structural Improvement Fund |
중소기업금융채권 | Small and Medium Industry Finance Debentures |
중소기업자금대출 | Loans for Small and Medium Industry |
중소기업진흥기금시설자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Facilities from SME Restructuring Fund |
중소기업진흥기금운전자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Working Capital from SME Restructuring Fund |
중소기업진흥기금차입금 | Long-term Borrowings from SME Restructuring Fund |
중소기업청(정부) | the Small & Medium Business Administration |
중소기업특별위원회(정부) | the Presidential Commission on Small and Medium Business |
중앙노동위원회 | Central Labor Committee |
중앙은행 | Central Bank |
중장기사채인수 | Private Placement from Long-term Bank Debenture |
중장기시설자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Facilities from Long Term Bank Debentures |
중장기운전자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Working Capital from Long Term Bank Debentures |
중점검사사항 | Key Points of Examination / Focus of Examination |
즉시총액결제시스템 | Real-time Gross Settlement System (RTGS) |
증권감독원 | the Securities Supervisory Board |
증권거래법 | the Securities and Exchange Act |
증권거래소 | Korea Stock Exchange |
증권거래책임준비금 | Reserve for Losses on Securities Transactions |
증권관리위원회 | the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) |
증권기획팀 | Securities Business Planning Team |
증권담보차입금 | Borrowings on Collateral of Securities |
증권매매손실 | Losses on Trading of Securities |
증권매매이익 | Gain on Trading of Securities |
증권사 | Securities Company |
증권선물위원회 | Securities & Futures Commission |
증권수탁실 | Custody Office |
증권예탁원의결권대리행사 | Shadow Voting |
증권제도과(재경부) | Securities Policy Division |
증권투자신탁 | Securities Investment Trusts |
증권투자신탁계정차 | Borrowings from Securities Investment Trust Accounts |
증권투자신탁업법 | the Securities Investment Trust Business Act |
증권팀 | Securities Business Team |
증권평가손실 | Loss on Securities Valuation |
증권회사환매채 | Bonds Purchased under Resale Agreements to Securities Company |
증서대출 | Loans with Deeds |
증안기금 | Stock Market Stabilization Fund |
증여 | Donation |
증자 | Capital Increase |
증자사항 | Paid-in Capital Increase |
지급Swap이자 | Swap Interest Expense |
지급결제제도 | Payment and Settlement Systems |
지급대리인 | Paying Agent |
지급보증 | Guarantees / Acceptances and Guarantees Outstanding |
지급보증 대지급금 | Payments on Guarantees / Guarantee Payments (회계용어 Advances for Customers) |
지급보증대충 | Contra Account of Acceptances and Guarantees |
지급수수료 | Commission Expenses |
지급어음 | Trade Notes Payable |
지급이자와할인료 | Interest and Discount Expense |
지급정지 | Payment Suspension / Payment Stopped |
지급지시서 | Payment Order |
지로계정 | Giro Account |
지방법원(사법) | the District Court |
지방은행 | Regional Banks |
지방자치단체차입금 | Borrowings from Local Governments |
지방채 | Local Government Bonds |
지배대주주 | Controlling Major Shareholder |
지배인 | General Manager |
지배주식조항(M&A) | Control Share Provision |
지배지분 | Controlling Equity Stake |
지배회사 | Controlling Company |
지분법 | Equity Method |
지상권 | Superficies |
지상권의신탁 | Superficies Trust |
지수(승) | Exponent |
지식경영 | Knowledge Management |
지역개발공채 | Local Development Bonds |
지역경제과(재경부) | Regional Economy Division |
지역신협 | Community Credit Cooperatives |
지역협력과(재경부) | Regional Cooperation Division |
지원(사법) | the Branch Court |
지적재산권 | Intellectual Property |
지점 | Branch |
지주신탁 | Stock Holding Trust |
지주회사 | Holding Company |
지준예치금 | Reserve Deposits With BOK |
지지선(주식) | Support Level |
지체하기(질질끌기) | Foot-dragging |
지출보증금 | Sundry Guarantee Money |
지하경제 | Underground Economy |
지하철공채 | Subway Construction Bonds |
직무경력개발경로 | Career Development Path (CDP) |
직불카드채권(외화) | Debit Card Accounts in Foreign Currency |
직불카드채무 | Debit Card |
직원주택대여금 | Housing Loans to Employees |
직전회계년도 | the Previous Fiscal Year |
직접경비 | Direct Factory Overhead Costs |
직접노무비 | Direct Labor Costs |
직접비 | Direct Costs |
직접재료비 | Direct Material Costs |
진부화되다(기술) | Become Obsolete |
진성어음 | Real Bills |
진입장벽 | Entry Barriers |
질권설정된예금 | Pledged Deposit |
질권의등록 | a Registration of a Pledge |
질권의말소 | a Cancellation of a Pledge |
징계면직 | Disciplinary Dismissal / Disciplinary Removal from Office |
금융단어 | Financial Terms |
차관보(재경부) | Deputy Minister |
차관인수 | Acceptances for Foreign Loans |
차관인수관계대지급금 | Advances for Customers on Acceptance for Other Foreign Loans |
차관인수대충 | Contra Account of Acceptances for Foreign Loans |
차관자금대출금 | Loans from Foreign Funds |
차관조기상환용외화대출 | Loans Funded by BOK for Prepayment of Foreign Currency Borrowings |
“ | 차관조기상환용외화수탁 |
for Prepayment of Foreign Currency Borrowings | “ |
차기이월 | Carried over to Subsequent Year |
차기이월이익잉여금 | Unappropriated Retained Earnings |
차기지시서 | Debit Authorization |
차기통지서 | Debit Notice |
차량운반구 | Vehicles and Transportation Equipment |
차별화(차별화하다) | Differentiation (Differentiate) |
차입금 | Borrowings |
차입금의존도 | Borrowings and Bonds Payable Ratio |
차입금평균이자율 | Financial Expenses to Borrowings |
차장 | Deputy General Manager |
차지권 | Land Use Rights |
차환 | Refunding |
참가적우선주 | Participating Preferred Stock |
창고업 | Storage |
창구매매용유가증권 | Securities Bought over the Counter |
창업비 | Organization Costs |
창업비상각 | Amortization of Organization Costs |
창업투자사 | Venture Capital Companies |
창업투자회사 | Venture Capital Company |
채권 | Bonds |
채권거래 | Bond Dealings |
채권담보대출 | Loans on Receivables Collateral |
채권상각준비금 | Allowance for Credit Losses |
채권수익율 | Bond Yields |
채권시장 | Bond Market |
채권은행 | Creditor Bank |
채권의발행 | Issuance of Debenture |
채권자 | Creditor |
채권투자용비거주자원화예금 | Non-Resident Deposits for Bonds Investment in Won |
채권할인발행차금 | Discount on Bonds |
채권할증발행차금 | Debentures Premium |
채무동결조치 | Order Suspending the Payment of Liabilities |
채무면제(부채상각) | Debt Forgiveness (Debt Write-downs) |
채무면제이익 | Gain from Liabilities Forgiven |
채무자 | Debtor |
채무조건변경 | Rescheduling of Debt |
처분전이익잉여금 | Unappropriated Retained Earnings |
철도청(정부) | the National Railroad Administration |
첨단산업 | High-tech Industry (State of the art Industry) |
청문회 | Hearing Committee |
청산가치 | Liquidation Value |
청산계정 | Clearing Account |
청산인 | Liquidator / Receiver |
청소년보호위원회(정부) | the Commission of Youth Protection |
청약하다(신주를) | Subscribe (to New Shares) |
체계적위험 | Systematic Risk |
체육진흥신탁 | Trust for Encouragement of Sports Activities |
초과수익 | Excess Return |
총공급 | Aggregate Supply |
총무과(재경부) | General Services Division |
총무부 | Personnel & General Affairs Department |
총수요 | Aggregate Demand |
총액 | Gross Amount |
총액인수 | Firm Commitment Underwriting |
총액한도차입금 | Aggregate Limitation on Borrowings |
총자본경상이익율 | Ordinary Income on Total Assets |
총자본회전율 | Total Assets Turnover (Times) |
총자산 이익률(ROA) | Return on Assets |
총자산증가율 | Total Assets Growth |
총잔액 | Aggregate Outstanding |
총재무자원 | All Financial Resources |
총칙 | General Provisions |
총평균법 | the Weighted-Average Method |
추가대출 | Additional Loans |
추심금전채권 | Money Receivables for Collection |
추정부채 | Estimated Liability |
추정손실 | Estimated Loss |
추정손실여신 | Estimated Loss Loans |
축산업자금대출 | Loans for Livestock |
축산진흥기금 | Livestock Promotion Fund |
축산진흥기금대리대출 | Substitute Loans from Livestock Promotion Fund |
축산진흥기금차입금 | Borrowings From Livestock Promotion Fund |
축협 | The National Livestock Cooperatives Federation |
출자금 | Equity Investments |
출장소 | Sub-Branch |
출판 | Printing and Publishing |
충당금 | Allowances |
충당금계정 | Allowance Accounts |
충당금명세서 | Schedule of Allowances |
취득가 | Acquisition Cost |
취약부문 | Fragile Sector (부동산,건설,리스산업등) |
금융단어 | Financial Terms |
카드론 | Card Loans |
콜론 | Call Loans |
콜머니 | Call Money |
타발추심 | Inward Collection |
타발환 | Inward Remittance |
타인발행수표 | Personal Checks |
타점권 | Checks & Bills in Process of Collection |
타행간현송 | Cash Sent to Other Banks |
타행간현수 | Cash Received from Other Banks |
타회계사업자금대월 | Overdrafts to Other Business Account |
타회계사업자금차입 | Borrowings from Other Business Account |
탈세 | Tax Evasion |
택지마련신탁 | Trust for Providing Housing Site |
토지 | Land |
토지수용권 | Eminent Domain |
토지신탁 | Land Trust |
토지임차권 | The Right of Lease on Land |
토지임차권의신탁; | The Right of Lease on Land Trust |
통계청(정부) | the National Statistical Office |
통상산업부 | Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy |
통상자원부 | the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy |
통신 | Telecommunications |
통신정보부 | the Ministry of Telecommunication and Information |
통안채 | Monetary Stabilization Bonds (MSB) |
통일부(정부) | the Ministry of Unification |
통화 | Currency & Coins |
통화강세 | the Strengthening of the (Won, Japanese) Currency |
통화공급 | Money Supply |
통화금융기관 | Monetary Financial Institutions |
통화대용증권 | Currency Equivalents |
통화선물 | Currency Futures |
통화신용정책 | Monetary and Credit Policy |
통화안정계정 | Monetary Stabilization Account |
통화안정증권 | Monetary Stabilization Bonds |
통화약세 | the Weakening of the (Won, Japanese) Currency |
통화옵션 | Currency Option |
통화위기 | Currency Crisis |
통화정책 | Monetary Policy |
통화주의자 | Monetarist |
통화팽창정책 | Reflationary Policy |
퇴직급여충당금 | Retirement Reserve / Allowance for Severance and Retirement Benefits |
퇴직자 | Retirees |
퇴출기업 | Nonviable Corporate |
퇴출은행 | Closed Banks |
퇴출은행(피인수은행) | the Resolved Bank (Nonviable Bank) |
투기거래 | Speculation |
투기적수요 | Speculative Demand |
투명한(투명성) | Transparent (Transparency) |
투신사 | Investment Trust Company |
투신운용사 | Investment Trust Management Companies |
투자개발팀 | Investment Promotion Team |
투자거부율 | Investment Hurdle Rate |
투자금융 | Investment Banking |
투자기관 | Investment Institutions |
투자등급이하 | Below Investment Grade (At Junk-bond Status) |
투자부동산 | Investments in Real Estate |
투자부동산명세서 | Schedule of Investments in Real Estate |
투자부적격등급(채권) | Non-Investment-Grade (Bonds) |
투자설명회 | Road Show |
투자수익율 | Return on Investment (Rate of Return) |
투자신탁부동산 | Investment Trusted Real Estate |
투자신탁회사 | Investment & Trust Company |
투자와기타자산 | Investments and Other Assets |
투자와기타자산명세서 | Schedule of Investments and Other Assets |
투자와기타자산처분명세서 | Schedule of Disposition of Investments and Other Assets |
투자유가증권 | Investment Securities |
투자유가증권평가손익 | Gain(Loss) on Valuation of Investment Securities |
투자유가증권평가충당금 | Allowances for Unrealized Loss on Investment Securities |
투자은행 | Investment Bank |
투자자문사 | Investment Advisory Companies |
투자자문회사 | Investment Consulting Company |
투자자산 | Investments |
투자자산의평가 | Valuation of Investments |
투자자산처분손실 | Loss on Disposition of Investments |
투자자산처분이익 | Gain on Disposition of Investments |
투자자산평가손실 | Loss on Investment Valuation |
투자적격등급(채권) | Investment-Grade (Bonds) |
투자주식 | Investment Stock |
투자주식평가손실 | Loss on Valuation of Equity Investments |
투자진흥과(재경부) | Investment Policy Division |
투자활동으로인한현금흐름 | Cashflow from Investing Activities |
특례 | Special Provision |
특별대손충당금 | Special Loan Loss Provisions |
특별목적은행 | Special Purpose Banks |
특별상각 | Special Depreciation |
특별설비자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Special Facilities Fund |
특별설비자금차입금 | Long-term Borrowings from Special Facilities Fund |
특별소비세 | the Special Excise Tax |
특별손실 | Extraordinary Losses |
특별시설자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Industry Rationalization |
특별예치금 | Special Due |
특별유보금 | Special Provision |
특별이익 | Extraordinary Gains |
특별자금대출금 | Special Loans |
특별장기신탁대출 | Special Long Term Trust Loans |
특별주주총회 | the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting |
특별중장기분할상환대출 | Special Long Term Loans for Installment Repayment |
특수강 | Specialty Steel |
특수관리부 | Loan Administration Department |
특수관리부가계관리팀 | Consumer Loan Management Team |
특수관리부기업관리팀 | Corporate Loan Management Team |
특수은행 | Specialized Banks |
특정거래담보금 | Guaranteed Deposits Received for Auction or Contract |
특정금전신탁 | Specified Money Trusts |
특정물질사용합리화기금 | Specific Material Usage Rationalization Fund |
특정현금과예금 | Restricted Cash and Bank Deposits |
특허 | Patent |
특허법원(사법) | the Patent Court |
특허청(정부) | the Korea Industrial Property Office |
특혜금리 | Preferential Rate |
특혜성금리 | Concessionary Rates |
틈새시장 | Niche Market |
팀 | Team |
팀장 | Team Head |
파산관재인 | Trustee in Bankruptcy / Bankruptcy Trustee / Receiver |
파산법 | Bankruptcy Law, Bankruptcy Act |
파산자 | Person Legally Bankrupt |
파산참가기관 | Authorities Concerned with Bankruptcy / Bankruptcy Authorities |
파생금융상품평가조정 | Reconciliation for Valuation of Derivatives |
파생상품 | Derivative Instruments |
판매비와일반관리비 | Selling and General Administrative Expenses |
판매비와일반관리비명세서 | Supplementary Schedule of Selling and General Administrative Expenses |
판매업 | Merchandising Business |
편중여신 | Credit Concentration |
평가결과 | Appraisal Results |
평가제도 | Rating System |
평가충당금 | Allowance for Valuation Losses |
평균분산모형 | Mean-variance Model |
평균이상 | Above Average |
평균편차 | Mean Deviation |
포괄근담보 | Comprehensive Lien |
포괄적인 | Comprehensive |
포괄주의 | All Inclusive Concept |
포지션조정자금 | Position Adjustment Account |
포트폴리오를시가평가하다 | Mark Portfolios to Market |
표면이자율 | Coupon Rate |
표준편차 | Standard Deviation |
표지어음매출 | Cover Bills Sold |
표지어음할인료 | Discount Fees on Resale of Cover Bills |
풀링법 | Pooling of Interest Method |
풍부한유동성 | Ample Liquidity |
프라임(우대)금리 | Prime Rate |
프로젝트금융 | Project Finance |
금융단어 | Financial Terms |
하청업자 | Subcontractor |
하청업자(기업) | Subcontractor |
하향추세 | Downward Trend |
학술기예신탁 | Trust for Science & Art |
한계기업 | Marginal Corporates / Marginal Firms |
한계사업 | Marginal Operations (Businesses) |
한계소비성향 | Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) |
한계효용체감의법칙 | Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility |
한국가스공사 | the Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) |
한국담배인삼공사 | KT&G |
한국도로공사 | the Korea Highway Corporation |
한국산업은행 | Korea Development Bank |
한국석유개발공사 | the Korea Petroleum Development Corporation (Pedco) |
한국소비자보호원 | Korea Consumer Protection Board |
한국수자원공사 | the Korea Water Resources Corporation (KOWACO) |
한국수출입은행 | Export-Import Bank of Korea |
한국신용보증기금 | Korea Credit Guarantee Fund |
한국신용정보 | Korea Credit Information Corporation |
한국신용평가정보㈜ | Korea Information Service |
한국신용평가㈜ | Korea Investors Service (KIS) |
한국은행 정관 | Articles of Incorporation of the Bank of Korea |
한국은행법 | the Bank of Korea Act |
한국은행법 시행령 | Enforcement Decree of the Bank of Korea Act |
한국은행일시차입 | Temporary Borrowing from the Bank of Korea |
한국전기통신공사 | the Korea Telecom (KT) |
한국전력공사 | the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) |
한국주택공사 | Korea Housing Corporation |
한국토지공사 | the Korea Land Corporation (KOLAND) |
한은차입금 | Borrowings from BOK |
한정치산자 | Person Declared Legally Quasi-incompetent |
할부금융회사 | Installment Financing (Credit) Companies |
할부매출 | Installment Sales |
할부상환 | Installment Repayment |
할인어음 | Bills Discounted |
할인율 | Discount Rate |
할인채 | Discount Bond |
할인채발행차금 | Discounts of Discount Bond |
함수 | Function |
합리적기대가설 | Rational Expectation Hypothesis |
합명회사 | General Partnerships |
합병(M&A) | Merger |
합병차익 | Gain on Business Combination |
합병추진위원회 | the Merger Steering Committee |
합성(인조)고무 | Synthetic Rubber |
합성증권 | Hybrid Instrument |
합자회사 | Limited Liability Stock Company / Limited Partnerships |
해고 | Layoff |
해산 | Dissolution |
해양경찰청(정부) | the National Maritime Police Administration |
해양수산부(정부) | the Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries |
해외사업소 | Overseas Office |
해외사업환산대 | Overseas BusinessTranslation Credit |
해외사업환산차 | Overseas BusinessTranslation Debit |
해외전환사채 | Overseas Convertible Bonds (CB) |
해외종속법인; | Overseas Subsidiary |
해외증권발행규정 | the Rules on the Issue of Overseas Securities |
해외지점 | Overseas Branch |
해외지점망 | Overseas Branch Network |
해외직접투자 | Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) |
해외투자 | Overseas Investment |
해외투자손실준비금 | Reserve for Overseas Investment Losses |
해외투자자금대출 | Long-term Foreign Currency Loans for Oversea Investment |
해임권고 | Recommendation of Discharge(or Dismissal) from Office |
핵심가치 | Core Value |
핵심역량 | Core Competencies |
행정개혁위원회 | Administration Reform Committee |
행정관리담당관(재경부) | Administrative Management Officer |
행정법원(사법) | the Administrative Court |
행정자치부(정부) | the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs |
허가취소 | License Revocation |
헤지 | Hedge |
현가이자요소 | Present Value Interest Factor (PVIT) |
현가표 | Present Value Table |
현금 | Cash / Cash & Checks |
현금,예금명세서 | Schedule of Cash and Bank Accounts |
현금담보 | Cash Collateral |
현금등가가격 | Cash Equivalent Price |
현금배당 | Cash Dividends |
현금서비스 | Cash Service |
현금예치금 | Cash and Due |
현금의감소 | Decrease in Cash |
현금의증가 | Increase in Cash |
현금잔고(주식) | Credit Balance (in Brokerage Account) |
현금지급기 | Cash Dispensers (CDs) |
현금지불조항(M&A) | Cash-out Provision |
현물출자 | Investment in Kind / Investment In-kind |
현재가치 | Present Value |
현재가치할인차금 | Discounted Present Value |
현지법인 | Overseas(Local) Subsidiary |
현지법인출자주식 | Overseas Subsidiary Stock |
현행원가 | Current Cost |
현행환율법 | Current Rate Method |
협조융자 | Emergency (Rescue) Loan Or Cooperative Loan (Financing) |
협조융자제도 | Cooperative Financing System / Co-financing System |
호선 | Mutual Vote |
호혜주의 | Principle of Reciprocity |
혼수주식 | Watered Stock (과대평가된현물출자로주주지분이과대표시되는경우) |
홍보역 | Publicity Officer |
화의 | Court Mediation(for Debt Rescheduling) / Court Composition |
화의법 | Composition Act |
화폐성부채 | Monetary Liabilities |
화폐성자산 | Monetary Assets |
화폐수량설 | Quantity Theory of Money |
화폐시장 | Money Market |
화폐측정 | Monetary Measurement |
환경부(정부) | the Ministry of Environment |
환경오염방지기금차차입금 | Long-term Borrowings from Anti-pollution Fund |
환경오염방지시설자금대출 | Long-term Loans for Facilities from Anti-pollution Fund |
환매조건부증권 | Repurchase Agreement (RP) |
환매조건부채권매도 | Repos Sold / Securities Sold under Repurchase Agreements |
환매조건부채권매도차손 | Losses on Sale of Securities under Repurchase Agreement |
환매조건부채권매매 | Securities Repurchase Agreement |
환매조건부채권매수 | Repos Bought |
환매조건부채권매입 | Securities Purchased under Resale Agreements |
환매채매도이자 | Interest on Securities Sold under Repurchase Agreements |
환산손익 | Translation Gains or Losses |
환율의변동 | Fluctuations in Exchange Rates |
환적 | Trans-shipment |
환전상 | Money Exchanger |
활동성에관한비율 | Ratios of Activity |
회계공준 | Postulates of Accounting |
회계기간 | the Accounting Period |
회계기준 | Accounting Standards |
회계법인 | Accounting Firm |
회계변경 | Accounting Change |
회계연도말 | Fiscal Yearend |
회계정보 | Accounting Information |
회계제도과(재경부) | Government Procurement & Accounting Policy Division |
회계추정 | Accounting Estimates |
회계팀 | Accounting Team |
회귀분석 | Regression Analysis |
회사별 외국인 투자한도 | Ceiling on Foreign Investment in Any Corporation |
회사설립 | Incorporation |
회사의개황 | Summary of the Company |
회사정리 | Corporate Reorganization |
회사정리법 | Corporate Reorganization Act / Company Reorganization Act |
회사채 | Corporate Bond |
회사채발행 | Corporate Bond Issuance |
회사채인수 | Corporate Bond Underwriting |
회수(하다) | Redemption (Redeem) |
회수기간법 | Payback Period Method |
회수불능자산(여신) | Uncollectable Assets (Loans) |
회수의문 | Doubtful |
회수의문여신 | Doubtful Loans |
회장 | Chairman of the Board of Directors |
회전기금시설자금대출 | Revolving Fund Loans for Facilities |
회전기금운전자금대출 | Revolving Fund Loans for Working Capital |
효과적 은행감독을 위한 핵심준칙 | Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision |
효용 | Utility |
효용함수 | Utility Function |
효율적시장 | Efficient Market |
효율적시장가설 | Efficient Market Hypothesis |
효율적인집합 | Efficient Set |
후배주 | Deferred Stock |
후보추천위원회 | Candidate Recommendation Committee |
후선부서 | Back Office / Staff Departments |
후순위사채 | Subordinated Corporate Bond |
후순위장은채 | Subordinated Long Term Credit Debenture |
후순위차입금 | Subordinated Debt |
후순위채권발행 | Subordinated Debt Issuance |
후순위채무 | Subordinated Debt |
후입선출법 | Last-in First-out Method (LIFO) |
흑자예산 | Budget Surplus |
희석효과(증자로인한) | Dilution (Effect) |